A special invitation to solopreneurs who want to make money online…
Would You Like My Help To Create One Simple Marketing Strategy That Will Generate Traffic And Increase Sales, So That You Stop Treading Water And Finally Grow Your Online Business – For Free?
Hi, I’m Coach Morris. I’ve been helping solopreneurs make money with their business or side hustle online. If you’re not generating enough traffic or not making enough sales right now, I’d love to help you too – without any cost or obligation. Read below to learn how…
Dear Fellow Solopreneur,
If you’re like me, you started your business or side hustle online because you’re the type of person who wants to take back ownership of your life, work alone, and create passive income that sets you free.
And, like me, you’d prefer to leverage the scaling power of the internet, and work just a few hours per day to make enough money that pays your bills, supports your family, and allows you to live wherever you want in the world.
Plus, you probably dream about eventually outsourcing many of your tasks or even hire a team of motivated professionals to help you further grow and scale your business.
Fantastic – just set up a website, talk about it on social media, insert your affiliate links, and watch the money come into your PayPal while you sleep… right?
You probably already know that this strategy doesn’t work – you might have even tried it (I tried pretty much everything under the “digital” sun online).
So you started learning about SEO, building funnels, email marketing, social media marketing, upselling, downselling, and many other tactics.
And that’s when you start to feel overwhelmed, always trying to implement the next new shiny object, but nothing seems to happen for you… it feels like all you’re doing is treading water.
And every time someone offers to help you, it’s just a sales pitch in disguise. Anyone and everyone has their ebook, online course, or program to sell to you – promising that this is the one way to make money online.
Lots Of Online Solopreneurs Are “Living The Dream”, You Can Too
But so that you can live your dream too, I need you to consider this…
Almost any marketing strategy COULD very well work for your business, but NONE of them will if:
- You’re trying to copy someone else’s strategy without adjusting it to your personal situation and resources; or
- You’re using a business model that doesn’t leverage your strengths; or
- You’re saying “Yes” to the wrong things and “No” to the most important things, causing you to focus on the activities that have the smallest impact; or
- You’re constantly thinking that you have to learn new skills, because you don’t know how to implement what you already know; or
- You’re thinking that you have to do this all on your own, forgetting that all the best solopreneurs have sought help (even if they’re working alone).
Perhaps counter-intuitively, the trick is to start with one marketing strategy that is as simple as possible and still guaranteed to make sales.
Sure, you say – but WHAT does this look like?
Good questions – and that’s exactly what I can help you with…
See, I’ve been freelancing for years, helping other website owners and companies with their online presence for years. I’ve also worked on email lists with millions of subscribers. I’ve done blogging, affiliate marketing, and sold information products. I’ve been very fortunate to see what works for others by being part of their team – and then using my favorite strategies for myself.
In the process, I’ve met many successful and also unsuccessful solopreneurs… and I could clearly see what it is that separates one from the other.
There can be two solopreneurs doing the same marketing strategy – but only one of them succeeds. On the outside, it looks like they both do the same things.
But I’m here to tell you, the differences between them are subtle but also directly responsible for their results. I’ve observed and studied this fascinating phenomena for years before I used my insights to help myself and other solopreneurs, as well.
Now I’d like to help you, too.
Here’s why I have in mind…
If you join me for a “Smart Marketing” meeting I’ll help you create a clear and achievable plan to generate traffic and make sales online; a plan that works in your market; and that works for you.
And, if you qualify (see below), I’ll waive 100% of my usual coaching fee for this service.
How This Process Works…
There are a few important things you should know about this “Smart Marketing” meeting.
First, we’ll be using a real and valuable growth planning process to create your plan. In fact, it’s based on exactly the subtle things that I see every successful solopreneur do.
Now, obviously in a single call we won’t have time to go deep into the implementation of all the parts of the plan.
But I promise you this:
If you take this seriously, you will absolutely have a clear path of what your next steps are to generate traffic and make sales.
Second, I’ve been in the “online marketing” game for almost 10 years – and I’ve tried and seen almost any tactic out there.
In that time, I’ve had the good fortune to meet, observe, and learn from many successful solopreneurs in many different niches.
That means your plan won’t be generic advice. Instead, I’ll use my familiarity with the best marketing strategies and apply my experience, to create a custom-tailored plan for you.
As I’ve met and worked with many solopreneurs, I’ve come to realize that it’s rarely the obvious things that make the business work. It’s the little things, sometimes very subtle, in the solopreneur’s life that either guarantee or ruin their chances of success.
Finally, you’ve likely discovered yourself that there is tons of free information out there already. If it was as easy as watching a YouTube video or download a free ebook, then the marketing industry wouldn’t be one of the biggest industries out there.
No, good marketing and success in sales is almost magical to the untrained eye.
So our plan will eliminate all the fluff that only distracts you.
It will focus on the very specific, yet subtle things that you have to do each day to get that traffic and start making sales.
If you just breathed a sigh of relief, or felt some of the weight lifting already…
…you’re in the right place to get maximum value from our time together.
Why Would I Do This For Free?
If you’re like some people, you may see the value in having a plan like this, but you might be asking yourself why I would be willing to do this for free.
It’s pretty simple, really…
One reason is altruistic, I just happen to love helping other solopreneurs take back control over their life. Each time someone experiences the freeing power that comes with creating income on their own terms, I go through the same sensation while supporting their journey – which brings me immense joy.
I know, it sounds “corny”. But I think you’ll understand me.
After all, don’t YOU feel that way when you help someone do something they didn’t think they could do, or that they were struggling with for the longest time?
Well, me too!
The other reason is that it’s one of the most fulfilling ways I get clients without needing to do any tricky marketing or hard-selling. You see, during the process of creating this plan, I’ll get to know you and your current biggest obstacles quite well.
At the same time, you may get excited about the plan, and see the benefit of working with an experienced coach to help implement the plan faster and with less “trial and error”.
It’s a Win-Win, wouldn’t you say?
What Happens When We Meet?
When we meet, we’ll perform a three step strategic planning process based on the same intake process I use with all my clients.
We’ll follow these steps:
- First, we review your goals and visions for your business, and identify some success markers.
- Next, we’ll inventory the assets and resources you currently have that would contribute to your goals and vision; and
- Then, we’ll identify the gaps in some of the key success markers that will provide the most leverage in getting to your goals faster.
- Finally, we create a customized plan using a marketing strategy that not only achieves your goals, but also aligns with your most authentic nature, your strengths and talents, and your beliefs and values.
With this clear plan in hand, one of two things can happen next.
One option is that you’ll feel like you can implement the plan on your own. In that case, you are free to use the plan at zero cost to you, with my enthusiastic wishes for your success.
The other option is that you are excited about the plan, but would prefer to have me help you implement it successfully. In that case, and assuming I feel like I actually can help you, we can then talk about you joining the Create Grow Profit Inner Circle.
In fact, while we’re on the subject, let me tell you briefly how the Inner Circle works…
How The Inner Circle Works
The inner circle provides a holistic environment of training and coaching, including:
Weekly 1on1 Calls
Every week, we’ll have a 1 hour call to track what you’ve achieved and what your best next step is. This is the best way to make real, tangible progress each week.
Implementation Support
You can send me questions via email anytime during the week. And I will do my best to answer questions and support you in your implementation between our live calls.
Digital Library Access
Any book I write in the future, or any course I create, will be added to a digital library that you have access to – as long as it is related to online marketing.
Fees for the Create Grow Profit Inner Circle are packages that range from $3’000 to $15’000, depending on your current situation and business goals.
As you can see from how invested I am in your journey, supporting you every step of the way until you achieved all your goals and beyond, that’s a tremendous value.
But more importantly, I fully believe that if you take it seriously, engage fully, and take action, this investment is insignificant compared to the life you’ll have built as a successful solopreneur who creates income online and lives life on their own terms.
But Wait – Before We Go Any Further…
I’m glad to have the chance to share a little bit about the Inner Circle with you, but honestly… Until and unless we meet and create your “Smart Marketing” plan, I won’t know if you’re right for it.
So, if you want my help to create a customized “Smart Marketing” plan for you, go ahead and request an appointment below.
And, rest assured, this isn’t just some pretense to hard-sell you on anything. You have zero obligation other than to show up prepared and to be open and honest, so we create a plan that you can actually use.
Once we get a “Smart Marketing” plan in your hands, we can talk more about the inner circle if you’re interested, and if I think you’re a good fit for it.
Otherwise, you can simply take the plan and implement it, no hard feelings – we’ll part friends.
What’s The “Catch”?
There’s only one “catch” to all of this…
I can only make a limited number of these appointments available any given month, so I want to be sure that if we meet, you’re going to actually get some benefit from it, and I’m talking to people to whom I feel I can provide the most value.
So, to respect your time and mine, let me share some of the characteristics of the people I work with best, and for whom I can make the most impact:
- You know how to use a computer, smart phone, and how to find information on the internet. For example, if you never used Zoom before, you would know how to find and watch a short YouTube tutorial on your own.
- You are willing to work on your online business or side hustle for 1 hour per day, even on the weekends.
- You understand the importance of having a strong, success-focused mindset. Discussing your current lifestyle does not offend you and you are open to making small but necessary changes in your life.
- This isn’t just an experiment for you. You have made the decision that you want to make money online. And you are ready to take action.
- You have, or are willing to set aside, a budget for your web presence. This includes at the very least a domain name, web hosting, and WordPress theme. Depending on your current stage of business, you are also willing to invest into advertising or outsourcing.
Here’s What You DON’T Need…
- You don’t need to have a website, yet.
- You don’t need to be an expert in your field.
- You don’t need to have a special degree, education, or business experience.
But Please, Don’t Apply If…
- You think online business is just sales and marketing hacks.
- You want to “get rich quick” and are always looking for the next big opportunity online.
- You are okay with “bending the rules” if necessary to make the sale; or you want to use any manipulative marketing or hard selling.
- You want to work online anonymously; or you are afraid to share photos and recordings of yourself with your audience.
- You work in a niche that is highly regulated, goes against typical advertising terms of services, or can be construed as unethical or immoral. ( No judgement, I just don’t have any experience in these niches.)
How to Request Your Appointment
If, after reading this far, you see yourself as one of the people I can best help, and if you are ready to get started creating a simple marketing plan, that is personalized to you, and that generates traffic and increases sales, here’s how to request an appointment…
- Click the link at the bottom of this page to be taken to my online calendar. There, you’ll see the dates and times I currently have available for these free planning sessions. Select the one that suits you best.
- Once you select your appointment time, I’ll ask you a few questions that will help me prepare for our call, and also to confirm that I can actually help you.
- Please be sure to fill this in thoughtfully and honestly – it will make our time together super productive.
- Once you’ve answered the questions, click the button at the bottom of the form and the appointment date/time you selected will be confirmed.
- You’ll get an email to confirm your appointment. Please keep this handy. It will have all the details of the meeting room and/or phone numbers.
I will review the information you provided before we meet. If, after reviewing it, I determine I can’t help you, I’ll let you know, and give you any alternate resources or referrals that I think will serve you better.
If you find you can’t keep your appointment, please refer to your confirmation email for instructions on cancelling the appointment.
Please don’t just miss your appointment without cancelling. Remember, I only set time aside for a few of these meetings. If you can’t, or don’t want to, keep your appointment, cancelling your reservation will make it available for someone else.
What People Are Saying About The Smart Marketing Plan

“When I started using Morris’ service, I thought I knew my audience and my media quite well; but he taught me so much and in under a month I already had more engagement with my audience, more followers, and more viewers.
10/10 would recommend Morris and I already did recommend him.”
Patrick “Zuze” Kragh
– Twitch Streamer
“Before working with Morris, I had started a new web project that asks the user a series of questions in a quiz-like format, and then delivers a step-by-step business strategy tailored to their answers.
Morris has held me accountable in the early stages of this project, where it’s easy to get sidetracked and not focus on the most important tasks that will have the biggest impact.
As a result, I’ve made more progress with this project than I had imagined. I always know what my next step is and Morris makes sure I focus on the tasks that bring results.”
Anand D.
– ColdEmailsPanda.com

“The CreateGrowProfit Coach”
About Coach Morris
I help solopreneurs make money with an online business or side hustle. If you’re not generating enough traffic or not making enough sales right now, I’d love to help you too.
Many new solopreneurs want to achieve financial independence and building an online business is a great choice for that. Unfortunately, oftentimes we end up making other people rich by buying their courses and programs – while our business isn’t moving at all.
I specialize on solopreneurs who are stuck and treading water. I know how painful this phase is and dragging myself out of it has taught me many valuable lessons.
That’s how I came up with the CreateGrowProfit formula, which focuses on small daily steps that have the biggest leverage. If you are coachable, then this formula will work for you, too. Get in touch with me and let’s see if you qualify for my CreateGrowProfit plan.