The reason your social media content isn’t working is because of this:
Imagine you have a beautiful garden, but you forget to water it regularly. Soon, the plants wither, and your garden looks sad and neglected.
What would you do?
Would you not do anything and wait for the rain to hopefully come soon, or would you grab a watering can and water your garden?
It’s a pretty obvious answer, right?
Yet millions of social media creators when they look at their social media engagement and they see no likes and comments, ignore it and that’s why their social media content isn’t working.
So in this blog, I’m going to show you how to pull off four of the most powerful social media engagement hacks that will help you grow your following and your business.
#1: Engage With Other People’s Content
To show you this first engagement trick, I’m going to share with you a discovery that I made on Twitter.
Here is a very fast-growing account. She created this account 6 months ago and already has over 4,000 followers.

Perhaps, the following questions are also running on your mind:
- Why do you think she gained thousands of followers on a brand-new, fresh account so quickly?
- Is it her profile description?
- Is it her picture?
- Is it her banner?
- Or maybe all of these things combined?
Having a great profile certainly has an impact on your social media marketing results.
But a great profile doesn’t guarantee fast growth.

The answer to her fast growth is this number up here: 8,960 tweets.
If we divide that number by 6 months, which is 180 days, that is 49.7 tweets per day, or let’s just round it to 50 tweets per day.
But if we scroll down her tweet history then we can see that she tweets only about 2 or 3 times per day on average.
So where are the other 47 to 48 tweets?
They are here in the replies section.

If we scroll down her replies section, we can see that she replies a lot, often, and consistently every single day. That’s how she reaches 50 tweets per day because it also counts the replies.
That means for every tweet she posted, she replied about 20 or 25 times to OTHER people’s posts.
Most struggling social media creators do the exact opposite. They focus all their attention on creating content and very little effort on connecting with other people on the platform.
And what we just saw here on her profile, I have found this to be true on all fast-growing social media accounts that don’t pay for any promotions but grow through their own efforts.
Twitter is just the easiest platform to show it to you because it is so transparent and we have access to these numbers on every profile.
But all social media platforms work the same way:
If you want other people to engage with your content, go and engage with their content first.
How many times has someone commented on one of your posts and when you got the notification, you clicked on their profile to see who they are?
Other people do the exact same thing when you comment on their posts.
If you have a great and interesting profile yourself, chances are that some of these people will follow you or maybe even click the link on your profile.
And that’s where the garden analogy comes in: Engaging with other people on social media is like watering your garden every day.
So now, what we’re going to do is take what you’ve just learned up a level to help you understand the second, and next, trick for social media.
#2: Find People With Time And Interest

Imagine a social media account that gets hundreds of notifications every hour.
Do you think that they will notice you when you engage with their posts?
It is very unlikely.
Or imagine another scenario: You are posting about hand-knitting cute children’s clothes and you comment on a young gamer’s account.
If they click on your name to see who you are, do you think they will be interested in hand-knitting children’s clothes?
This is also very unlikely.
And so trick number 2 is that you don’t just engage with anyone but you engage with people who don’t have too much of a following yet and who are also in the same niche that you are in.
As a bonus tip: Scroll through their past posts and make sure that they are active. Because if you are trying to connect with people who are not even active on the platform, then you are wasting your time.
#3: Make Collaborations For Social Proof
The third and next engagement booster is what I would make my number one priority over the next 6 months because it can be a simple solution to the thing that wrecks your social media content performance.
All struggling social media creators have a huge problem but the best way for me to describe this is by looking at the garden again.
Imagine you go to a farmer’s market where people can sell their produce from their own gardens.
You want to buy some organic, homegrown apples and so you get in line for the apples stand.
From the back of the line, you can see that there are 2 baskets and the people in front of you are all picking out apples from the basket on the right.
Now it’s your turn and you can see the name tags on the apple baskets.

The basket on the left is from Farmer John and the one on the right is from Farmer Allison.
John’s basket is a very simple basket and it is full of apples. It even looks like nobody has bought any of his apples.
Allison’s basket is new and beautifully decorated. Her basket is half-empty, clearly many people have been picking her apples, including the people who were in line in front of you.
If you could buy just one apple, from which basket would you pick one?
Most people will pick one of Allison’s apples. Why?
- Her basket is beautifully decorated.
- Clearly she has put a lot of effort into it
- And everyone else at the farmer’s market seems to prefer her apples
Keep in mind that you don’t know anything about the quality and taste of these apples. But the choice is already done for you and most people end up buying one of Allison’s apples like everyone else.
This is social proof at play and it’s a big deal on social media.
On social media, social proof comes in the form:
- Followers
- Likes
- Comments
- Shares
- Shoutouts
If it looks like nobody engages with your content, then other people will be less likely to engage.
But if you have a lot of engagement, then more people will see that as social proof and believe it’s worth following you.
So how do you get engagement when nobody wants to engage with you? Who would be willing to do that?
And the answer: FRIENDS.
If you just comment and reply to people, just to get a reply back, that’s not a friendship.
Friendships are built on communication, mutual respect, support, trust, and shared interests or values.
So when you engage with other people, that’s what you’re looking for:
- You are looking for people who could become your friends in the future.
- People that you respect and are willing to support on their mission.
Because when you make friends on your social media platform, your network grows.
And it is your network that will provide social proof for everything that you do.
- Your friends are willing to engage with you
- They are willing to share your content
- Give you shoutouts.
But only, if they are your actual friends. If they feel like you are just using them to boost your metrics, you will not succeed.
- This has to be genuine and authentic.
- Don’t befriend people you don’t like just because you believe it will help you grow your account.
The long-term goal is to collaborate with these people and that’s never going to work if you don’t share the same:
- Interests
- Values
- Don’t respect each other
Once you’ve built your relationships and friendships with other creators, you will have a lot more social proof and it’s going to make it so much easier to get engagement on all your content.
And that brings me to the fourth and final social media advice and that is to accept that social media is NOT linear.
#4: Accept That Growth Is Not Linear
Don’t expect to get 10 followers for every 50 posts, for example. That’s not how this works.
Also don’t expect other people to want to be your friend just because you are in the same niche with a similar number of followers.
Go into this fully expecting that it takes a lot of effort to get the ball rolling.
But keep working on these 4 things that we covered in this blog, and you will get more engagement on your social media content.
And once your social media audience is growing, you can turn it into a business by helping them solve their most pressing problems.
The best feeling is when potential clients start reaching out to you because they like your social media content.
If you’re tired of looking for clients, then you need to read this blog next where you can use everything that you’ve learned here about social media content to make money.
Right now, how many followers do you have? And how many hours are you spending to engage with them? Let me hear some of your thoughts about the way you engage with your followers. Would love to talk about them in the comment section.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
This FREE guide will show you the exact process that led me to signing up my first $2,000/mo client, back when I was starting out as a nobody. You can download this from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!
Replying on Twitter works well for boosting both engagement and follower counts, Morris. Plus, followers tend to actually retweet your tweets and visit your blog, through Twitter. The first tip is pure gold. @replying tweeters in your main stream is a simple way to get the engagement train going. Excellent post my friend.