Coaching Vs. Therapy: How I Became A Coach (My Story)

You will find three answers on this page: Coaching Vs. Therapy: What’s The Difference? I realized that I am a coach when I began my own coaching training and the teacher explained the difference between therapy and coaching: After hearing this definition, I realized that I’ve been coaching all my life, since childhood. Early Coaching … Read more

I Finally Understand YouTubing (Thanks To This Interview With Leon Hendrix And Film Booth)

These two YouTubers have blown my mind: Leon Hendrix and Film Booth. Leon gained millions of views and he gave us his script for success, it’s amazing! You’ll find their interview and my summary notes on this page. Before I ever even recorded my first YouTube video, I made two huge mistakes. Let me explain. … Read more

Summary of Ajit Nawalkha’s “Starting Strong” Coaching Podcast Episodes

Ajit Nawalkha has recorded five episodes to answer the biggest questions his coaching students have. He calls it “Starting Strong” and it helps coaches with their businesses starting into 2022. Below, you will find my notes after listening to all five episodes. But I highly suggest you listen to these episodes on iTunes or Spotify … Read more