Strategy To Get Clients
In the last article, we talked about content marketing.
We went over the different types of content marketing and especially how this marketing strategy can help you attract clients and buyers online.
From personal experience, I have discovered that having a daily writing routine helps me tremendously with always coming up with new content that I can create and share with my audience.
I believe that if you have a solid writing ritual that you repeat every day, then you will have infinite content ideas and infinite content that you can create and publish.
That’s why in this blog, I want to share with you one strategy that allows me to write every single day. And you can use this strategy starting today.
So we’re starting under the assumption that you want to write every single day now. And then:
- You can start with ten minutes or fifteen minutes. Honestly, even five minutes is better than nothing. But eventually, you want to get to around 20 minutes per day.
- And when you sit down in front of a blank piece of paper or front of an empty document on your, um, computer, probably your very first question will be, “What should I write?”
Especially when you’re already struggling to come up with content ideas. Then just telling you to sit down and write isn’t going to help you very much.
So let me share with you this writing exercise that helps me the most. And for this exercise, it works best when you write by hand.
Strategy How To Start Writing

First, that means you want to grab a piece of paper and a pen and sit down at your desk or some comfortable spot where you can write for the next five to ten minutes uninterrupted.
And once you start writing, you only have to follow two rules:
- Never lift the pen from the paper. Unless, of course, you’re going to a new line or you’re switching the page. But other than that, you never lift the pen of the paper.
- Must never stop writing. What that means is you’re just going to write whatever comes to your mind. And when you first do this exercise, it’s going to feel very awkward, but you just have to write whatever is on your mind at that moment.
Sometimes you will just write something like blah, blah, blah, or la la, or a random jumble of words. And it’s important that you know this is perfectly fine. And this is normal. This is part of this exercise.
Just keep on writing and don’t lift the pen.
What you will notice is that at first, it’s almost like getting some of the garbage out of your head, bringing all this nonsense to paper. Some thought creeps into your mind that thought can be related to:
- Your life
- Your business
- Or your work
And you just follow that thought, and you keep writing. Keep putting onto paper whatever is flowing through your fingers right in that moment. And ideally, you would fill two entire pages like that.
But now that you’re just getting started, try to the following:
- Fill one single page.
- Then put the pen down.
- Once you’re done, grab a highlighter or a pen of a different color, and go through all this nonsense that you’ve written.
You’re just going to go through it, read it, and you’re going to highlight or underline anything that is a valuable idea or could be the seed for a piece of content.
When you’ve done that, when you’ve highlighted all the sections that could make cool content ideas, you’re going to take a second piece of paper.
In this case:
- You could also open a document on your computer
- You’re just going to transfer
- Copy the highlighted sections
- Paste all your highlighted sections
And then tomorrow or the next day, when you sit down to perform this exercise, you’re just going to take the first item off that list and perform the same exercise again. But you’re going to use that list item as your anchoring point.
When you get into the habit of doing this exercise every single day, you will be coming up with an infinite stream of content ideas. Writing will become easier and easier for you.
Having a document with a lot of content is going to be invaluable whether your write to create:
- Videos
- Podcast episodes
- Blog posts
- Instagram reels and images
Whenever you want to create something new and share it with your audience, try this exercise for at least one week, and then let me know how it went for you.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!