You can find your very first paying client online, as long as you do it right.
On this page (and in the video above), I’ll show you how to find clients online – with only 30 minutes per day.
This strategy works great if you do it on the side after your day job, or on breaks in-between.
Some people also call this social media marketing or online networking.
How To Get Your First Client Online
The keyword is Conversations.
When you learn how to have helpful conversations with strangers online, you’re 90% of the way there.
- First I’m going to tell you the exact steps so you can start having such conversations.
- And then at the end of this article, I’ll tell you the number ONE mistake you absolutely must avoid – or else this won’t work for you.
So make sure you read until the end, this is important.
Alright, here are the steps.
Step 1: Pick Your Platform
This is so hard for beginners to accept, but you have to focus on one single platform.
- Conversations are time-intensive.
- If you are active on multiple platforms, then you’re being very inefficient with your time.
Look, as the beginning we’re lacking both resources: Time and money.
And when you want to get to your very first client fast, then every single one of your minutes counts. Especially when you have a day job, family, and other responsibilities.
When I started out, I focused on these platforms:
- At the very beginning, I focused on: Forums.
- Later, I discovered: Discord.
- And finally, I ended up focusing on: Twitter.
But you can pick any platform that you personally like. Currently, these are three very popular platforms:
In my opinion, when you’re just starting out any platform works.
It’s better to get started fast, instead of trying to find the “perfect” platform.
Alright so it’s time to make a decision and take that first step:
Which platform will you focus on? Pick one, make the commitment, and then let me know in the comments below which platform you’ve picked.
Step 2: Join Existing Communities

To complete step number 2, first ask yourself this question: “What does my ideal client do online?”
Think about this question carefully: “What does my ideal client do online?”
It’s true that when you’re just starting out, you won’t be able to answer this question perfectly. So just make a guess!
Make your best guess and that’s what you’ll work with.
For example, I used to be an app developer – and many people who are interested in building mobile apps, also like video games.
That’s why forums and Discord worked so well for me back then.
In those communities, it was easy for me to meet someone who was interested in building their own app and needed help from a developer.
That’s the kind of place you want to find online, for your ideal client group.
And again, I can’t stress this enough:
- Don’t waste days and weeks on coming up with your perfect avatar.
- If you’re just starting out, make your best guess and trust your intuition on this.
Every platform has millions of groups and subgroups centered around a passion or interest.
For example:
- On Facebook, there are groups.
- On Reddit, there are subreddits.
- On Discord, there are servers.
- On Instagram, there are influencer accounts and hashtags. And similarly on Twitter.
To complete step number 2, pick TWO to THREE such communities on your platform.
Then you:
- Join these communities;
- Follow them; and
- Bookmark their links on your computer or phone.
And make sure these communities are large enough and very active.
This is important for step number 3.
Step 3: 30min Per Day Activity
Now we’re at step 3, and this is the step where most people mess up – because this step takes a little time and effort.
You have to be active in your chosen groups every single day.
- You can start with 30 minutes per day (and then you can increase it to 1 hour per day for faster results).
- That’s precisely why we pick just one platform and join only two to three groups max.
- This way, we can be as efficient as possible and actually make an impact in our groups.
When you join an existing community online, you have only one single goal: Being helpful.
Why is this so crucial? Because the community only accepts you if you make the community look good.
That means you wanna do only TWO things:
- Answer questions that people ask, and
- Share helpful information.
Never ever promote yourself.
It takes a long time to build trust with people online; and it can take just one salesy, self-promotional post to lose all their turst and be ignored.
As I’ve said, this is the step that many beginners struggle with because they give up way too early.
And I get it, we need to make money and we want to get that first client fast.
But here’s the thing, communicating with this mindset “I need clients fast”, makes you needy.
And strangers really don’t like needy people!
That’s why:
- We can’t be needy, and
- We have to be helpful, and
- We have to become a valuable member for this community.
When people ask me: “Morris, how long will this take?”
My answer is usually this:
“It takes longer than you want, but it goes faster than you think.”
Step 4: Connecting In The DMs
I have seen this happen hundreds of times (maybe even thousands of times over the years):
- If you’re active every day;
- And you’re always being helpful and resourceful;
- Then people become curious about you.
And that’s the key: Potential clients now want to have a conversation with you.
What’s important here is that you take it to the DMs (which stands for Direct Messages).
Every platform has a way to message a person privately, and this is how you want to follow up with people.
When someone becomes curious about you, that means they want information from you.
And at that point, all you have to say is: “Sure, send me a DM. I’ll be happy to tell you more about it.”
And when a stranger online becomes so interested in you that they send you a DM to have a conversation with you, now you know you’re doing things right.
Step 5: How To Schedule A Call
This is the step that took me the longest to learn.
I was really struggling with this because I was scared of talking on the phone to people, whom I just met online.
So I tried to make sales by text, which scared away many people who would have actually become a client.
Looking back, it was a big mistake but I learned my lesson.
Listen, the solution is simple.
When you’re chatting with someone in the DMs and it becomes clear that they need your help, all you have to say is this:
“I could help you better if we could talk on the phone about this. When would you have time for a quick call? We can also use Zoom or WhatsApp for this.”
After you wrote that, there’s usually THREE things that can happen:
- You don’t hear from them anymore.
- They don’t want to have a call but continue to ask for your help by text.
- They agree and want to talk to you.
The first two are dead-ends. They’re not ready to talk to you so don’t chase them down.
You’re really only looking for people who want to get on the phone with you. And when they agree, that’s when you schedule the call immediately.
Step 6: What To Say On The Call

And here you must understand this: THIS IS NOT A SALES CALL.
- You do NOT want to call up this person and pitch them something.
- You call them to ask questions.
The goal of this call is not to sell them.
The goal of this call is for you to understand exactly what their problem is and if you can even help them.
You should be talking very little, and they should be talking a lot.
Once you understand what their problem is, give them the answer. And tell them: “This is the answer for you.”
If they like your answer, now comes your final question.
You ask: “Are you willing to pay money to implement this solution?”
If they say YES: Now you can explain to them your service, how it works, and how much it costs.
If they say NO: You give them an online resource to help them get started or even do it by themselves.
Either way, this will be the end of your call and both outcomes are great:
- You now either have a new client,
- Or you’ve helped someone a lot.
I challenge you to have 10 phone calls like this and not find your very first client online.
Biggest Mistake In Social Media & Networking
And now before wrapping this up, I have to tell you the biggest mistake that you absolutely must avoid when you’re doing social media marketing or online networking.
I did this wrong for the longest time and sometimes it would destroy all my hard work with a person online.
Here it is: Never talk about yourself uninvited.
Online communities are allergic to self-promotional stuff.
Don’t tell anyone:
- How well educated you are;
- How many books you’ve written;
- Which big-name company you worked for in the past;
- How many videos you’ve recorded;
- None of that!
If there is even a hint of self-promotion, you will have to rebuild your trust from scratch again.
- You help them publicly on the platform.
- You help them in the DMs
- You help them on the phone.
Until now, you’ve never talked about yourself or what you sell.
And even at the end of the phone call, only when that person says they want to pay money for the solution, do you tell them: “I can do this for you, and this is how much it would cost.”
Free PDF: Get Your First Client Online
Everything I’ve explained on this page, I created a PDF that you can download.
That way you have the entire process written out step-by-step in one single document.
Go to my website creategrowprofit.com/first-client-pdf, or click this link here to download now.
If you have any questions about this process, leave a comment below. I’ll collect your questions and answer them in the next article.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!