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Get In Touch With Andrea Fung
Interview Transcription
Morris: Welcome to CreateGrowProfit: Coaching Stories. I’m Morris from creategrowprofit.com. More and more people, they want to wake up and today I’m speaking to Andrea Fung who helps people discover their sacred calling through joy. Andrea, thank you so much for being here today, where are you calling in from?
Andrea: Hello, Morris! Thank you for having me. Today, I’m calling in from beautiful, tropical, and also rainy Malaysia.
Morris: You have rain season now in Malaysia?
Andrea: Yeah yeah so it’ll probably be rainy for like the next few days.
Morris: Okay yeah we have rain season too here but it’s supposed to be summer. Anyways before we started recording, we talked about your mission, right? And how you help people discover their sacred calling through joy. You said something really interesting that I want to begin with here. You said, for many people this is new but actually it’s not new, it’s old wisdom. Can you elaborate on that?
Andrea: I think when we were talking about it, we were talking about woo-woo, right? All some of these things when it comes to spirituality, quantum healing, it’s woo woo except it’s just labeled woo woo by people who don’t really recognize or don’t really fully understand how energy actually works and so it’s called woo woo because it’s considered to be otherworldly or not grounded in reality when really it’s always being part of reality. It’s just that not many people understand it but now more and more people are waking up to that you know, this ancient wisdom is becoming more and more mainstream, energy, healing, how energy works vibration all of that.
It’s literally rooted in science. It really shouldn’t be called woo-woo anymore. It should just be called ancient wisdom, esoteric wisdom, spirituality you know? Yeah, and I love that more and more people are waking up to this. This is something something that has totally changed my life in like the past three years you know. From clueless lawyer to energy healer and I want to help people find their divine purpose and even if even it’s not Divine Purpose, I want to help them awaken to a life of joy because it’s possible to go from empty to full in a short period of time.
Morris: Wow! What a transformation! You said, you were a lawyer and now you’re coaching people. Is that right?
Andrea: Yeah coaching and working on frequency healing. An energy worker.
Morris: And what types of people do you work with?
Andrea: So I work with corporate professionals that has been my experience in the past. I also work with soulful entrepreneurs so it just depends on what I’ve been doing and throwing about who I wanted to serve but you know whenever I connect into my guides, the answer that I get is the answers that you seek lie in your own journey. Because obviously we can’t teach or coach anything that is beyond what we have experienced and embodied and integrated within ourselves. So I finally decided after much doing and throwing in like February I think, I finally decided that I want to work with corporate professionals.
I feel like because that has been my journey. I know where I was. I know how rock bottom I was, you know, emotionally, physically, energetically and I feel like this is the industry that I would want to create impact and leave a legacy in.
Morris: Yeah I resonate with that after also going to law school when I worked in corporate finance. Yeah, I hit rock bottom too and I mean what I did is I quit and started something else. I went back to college and learned programming and things like that but I really resonate with that feeling especially because when you’re in the corporate world, you have to be analytical, right?
It’s very, as you said earlier, grounded or worldly or whatever terms you want to use but those tools didn’t help me in that situation. I would have needed other tools but it’s also so difficult to be in a corporate environment and explore those tools. You’re afraid that you get made fun of or not taken seriously.
Andrea: People think you’re crazy. I would know this because you know when let’s say just 3 years ago maybe not 3 years ago not let’s say end of 2020, I didn’t even know what mindset was. I don’t know what that is. I don’t know what personal development is and if someone came to me, if I came to me of end of 2020 and said like hey my name is Andrea, I’m an energy healer, you know I help people with the ascension process and I help them live a life of joy.
I just feel like what are you talking about like don’t come near me like I’m dealing with real-life problems right now you know it’s it was that kind of attitude. So yeah it’s hot being in the corporate world and because precisely it is that kind of mindset and so many people, majority of the world I believe, are in that space emotionally energetically and so I feel like that is where, for me personally, I feel like that is where I feel called to make more impact. Everyone’s different obviously.
Morris: Yeah and how do you manage to connect with people who are hitting rock bottom in the corporate space?
Andrea: At the moment I’m still in the process of like building up my business but I’ve been using LinkedIn as a platform. Prior to that, I’m still using like Facebook and Instagram and most people who are on my Facebook or Instagram, they see the content that I have or maybe sometimes I meet. I’ve been meeting lots of people in at the moment in person. Somehow or they just happen to come into my field and they always want to talk about, they always tell me I feel so empty and I’m so bored with work. I feel like there is something more.
And then when they hear that I’ve transitioned out of it and just gone to the complete other spectrum, they’re always like Andy how do you do it? How can I find this happiness? How do I find this higher purpose? So it’s mainly through social media platforms. I think back in 2021, I was on LinkedIn and after exchanging two random comments with the director of a coaching institute, I think a couple of months later he sent me a LinkedIn message and he was like I’m actually coaching a bunch of marketing consultants, do you want to work with me? And I was like yeah why not? So I did that for like a whole year and like literally the opportunity just dropped on my lap and that is the power of vibration.
Morris: Wow! Yeah but you said something really important I think and that is, you share your story with others and it is your story that makes them intrigued, that makes them open up to the possibility of looking for a different solution. I think that is really really powerful as opposed to you, I don’t know, like teaching the theory behind what you do.
It’s really your story and they see themselves in your own transformation and then also on top of that, you’re living proof, you know, they see you in a better place today and you’re living proof for your own transformation.
Andrea: Oh yeah. Yeah yeah like I mean absolutely I think everyone, I mean why do you think we’re like you know watching movies and TV series and all the things because we love a good story and I think the thing is that not many people realize that we’re all in our own story. We’re all in our own movie and we’re literally writing it as we go along.
You know what I mean? And I want people to realize this so that they can write the most epic masterpiece of a movie that is their life story. Storytelling is really so powerful when it’s done in a true authentic heart-centered way. We’re not talking about ChatGPT, okay? We’re talking about sharing from the heart, sharing from live experience. Sharing from the wisdom and the life lessons that we have absolutely already embodied because more so than anything of what I can possibly say, it’s the vibe and the frequency and the energy that the other people are sensing and that’s what makes them intrigued.
I could say maybe a shopping list but if I’m saying it with the right energy, with the right embodiment, conveying a particular frequency, they’re going to be like, where are you shopping? Like you know what is the brand of milk you’re buying?
Morris: Must be Swiss milk, right?
Andrea: Oh and with this frequency, it’s definitely Swiss milk. It’s milk made for butter and chocolate.
Morris: Although I heard you also have really good produce in Australia and New Zealand, from what I’ve read online.
Andrea: We do like our produce is pretty fresh . We have really good beef. We also have really good dairy but when it comes to dairy, nothing quite beats the Swiss.
Morris: Yeah I have I have to agree. Getting back to your point about the shopping list right? What you’re saying if I understood you well is, it’s not about the words that we say to communicate our story, it’s the energy that we put out as we share our story.
Andrea: Yes, yes because people nowadays like we can smell inauthenticity from a mile away. I can look at two people sharing the same story, sharing the same money wins and I will drift. Even without me knowing, I will drift to the one that I feel is a lot more authentic, that is more heart-centered and I feel like, “Oh it’s not a feel I know that is what the world is looking for right now”.
With everything that’s happening, we’re looking for heart. We’re looking for soul. We’re looking for something deep and that’s the energy that we resonate with.
Morris: Yeah I agree I see the same thing. Like help a lot of people create content for their marketing, for social media email or websites and it’s true that catching the person in the right state of energy or in the right mood, however you want to put it makes all the difference and not necessarily the words that they say.
Andrea: Yeah yeah you know if there’s one thing that I can share it’s like my little secret. So when I create a piece of content, I’ll write whatever it is that I want to write and then I’ll just kind of sit down in silence and just infuse it with the energy that I want this piece of content to have.
And that alone, just that intention alone, just that little bit of infusion, it already makes all the difference. And then it will hit, it will land on the eyes and on the ears and on the hearts of the people who need to hear it at that precise moment.
Morris: Thank you for sharing that because, I mean, I checked out your content right before we did this episode and you look very successful but you don’t post like money screenshots or I can’t say what it is. But it looks like you’ve got it figured out and I think that’s what you’re referring to here. It’s the energy that you manage to bring into pixels on the screen.
Andrea: Yeah yes and and also thank you so much for the words that you say because that just further validates and reinforce what I’m saying. It’s like when it’s heart, when it’s soul, people can smell that a mile away.
Morris: So when you work with people who want to you know discover their sacred calling as we said at the beginning, what is some of the work that you do with them?
Andrea: Well some of the work that I do, one of the first things I tell them is that what you think you want is not what you actually want. The thing that you want, the thing that you think that you want, what you’re really looking for is a feeling. So for example when we say we want success or when we want family or when we want something we’re looking, it’s not really that we’re looking for a particular feeling and we just think that getting this is going to give us this feeling but it’s not.
For example, when I first started I was so attached to being successful because I felt that success was going to bring me validation and love from my family. But then, as the universe would have, I didn’t get that level of success that I actually wanted. But even without that, what I needed to have was vulnerability and everything just came together. What I mean and so that’s the first thing that I would say that is that what you think you want is not what you actually want not at all.
Number two, for you to find what you actually want, you’re going to have to understand and be okay with following what brings you joy. And when I say what brings you joy, I’m not talking about big things, I’m talking about small things. If I feel like going swimming after this, I’m going to go swimming because that’s going to bring me the highest joy at any given moment. If you just allow yourself to follow that bit by bit, and at some point you’re going to hit snags. You’re going to be like, “Oh this is stupid, oh I should not be enjoying this or I don’t deserve to enjoy this because I haven’t done this yet I haven’t done the chores or I haven’t earned the money to go do this or whatever it is”.
And that will be when you start doing the healing. That is when you’re going to start to do the self-work, the the emotional clearing, the emotional release, doing deep diving into the what belief systems do you have that does not support you following your joy. In what way do you not trust that this thing is going to lead you to a better place?
So that will be, I think that’s probably like also step two and three probably step two. And then the third thing is the third main point and I’ll stop here there’s more but I’ll stop here. At this the third main point is that when you do this, you have to go in it with complete zero attachment to the outcome. You are just present. You are just going swimming for the sake of going swimming and when you are in that presence, you allow the next inspiration to drop in.
Maybe after that is to go shopping so you go shopping. You go and buy this really beautiful dress you look at this beautiful dress and you in a mirror and you think oh my gosh like that’s like really really gorgeous and next thing you know you find out that there’s a discount you speak to the shop owner and then turns out this shop owner is actually looking for coaching. But has no idea how to find it and then she’s like you look really happy, how’d you do that and there you go.
Morris: Yeah, first of all I don’t want to cut you short, right? Like please share as much as you are open to sharing here so thank you very much for you know letting us see more about your methodology. And one thing I want to highlight is it sounds like the healing starts when you hit a roadblock.
Andrea: Yes.
Morris: I find that very interesting in the sense that at the beginning it might be all like fun and freeing but then as you said, you hit a snack and then the healing begins. Can you talk a bit more about that healing process?
Andrea: Okay, I’ll give you an example. When I left law, I had no idea what it is that I wanted to do like zero idea. I just know that I can’t stay there anymore. So I thought I’ll become a social media influencer. So I did that for three months and I’m just doing my thing, right? I have no attachment to anything. Next thing you know, two people approach me saying,”Oh Andy I love how you’ve grown your Instagram account from zero to a thousands followers in three months, can you please do that for me?”
So I thought, “Oh yeah yeah let’s do that. Have I ever do I know anything about managing a social media account? No but like I learned whatever I could and I did it anyway”. But along that process, I saw oh there’s this person who is a digital nomad coach. I want to do what she’s doing. I want to help people experience transformative travel, all these kinds of things.
But then when it came to marketing, so all this time I’ve been following right following my joy just following the breadcrumbs wherever whatever, but then when it came to marketing my business and getting clients and I’ve never done this before, so that means showing up online, talking about your offer, doing cold DMs at that time, reaching out to people all of those things like that brought up a lot.
That brought out fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of uncertainty, fear of like abandonment. It brought everything up. And at that point, I was thinking to myself, “Okay at this point, I have a choice: Do I go back to law and just be comfortable or do I work through this so that I can attain this joy that I perceive is to be on the other side of all these fears right?
And so at that point look, I don’t know anything about healing because I think I mentioned to you earlier on before at the time that I quit law, I didn’t even know what mindset was. I didn’t know that personal development exists and I definitely didn’t know that energy was a thing. No, zero. Zero, clearly zero.
So at that time, I decided to hire a coach. She did NLP and she took me through like a process to release some further wounds and to call clients in at that time. And so after I was done with her session, I felt myself just lift. Was I still scared at that point to show up? I mean yes I was but you feel the fear and you do it anyway and it became a lot easier to be able to do it. Having released some of that emotional and energetic blockages.
And then I think, my digital Nomad business tanked because how could I teach someone how to set up a business and experience transformative travel when in the middle of a pandemic, when I was so setting up my own business. It was ridiculous right but that’s what you do when you follow your joy.
And so I decided to kind of just surrender, take a break cuz I was so burnt out. I worked all day, all night in my own home. I cried every single day and then I think, was it a month or two later, I opened LinkedIn and it’s like oh there’s a job for you let’s do that and then from zero to 10 clients.
Morris: That is incredible so on the one hand, you were always taking action but on the other hand, you allowed yourself to follow the joy, follow the breadcrumbs and being unattached to the outcome right?
Andrea: Yes, well at that time, I didn’t know that that was what I was doing exactly. It’s only like end of last year that I realized, “Oh my gosh, this is the exact process”. So I was just surrendering that was honestly all I was doing. I was just surrendering and allowing myself to you know go on with the process, being attached to the outcome. I was still attached to an extent because when you’re driven by fear and to the point where you need success, you are always going to be attached to a particular outcome. But with every energetic block that I actually release, it allowed my vibration to rise. And with gradually as my vibrations rise, you know and I’m sure you are familiar with how we are always going to attract a vibrational match to us right?
So with every energetic block that I release, with every emotional block that I release, my vibrations rose and then all the opportunities that match that vibration would come to me. At that point, when it fell on my lap, you have to decide whether you want to take it or not right? With the opportunity to work with that director in his coaching Institute, by the time I opened that message, it was a month or a month and a half after he sent it.
Because he sent it when I was on break. When I was just burnt out, recovering from burnout, and if I had opened that message any earlier than I did, I would have turned down that offer immediately. Because I just didn’t have capacity to do it. You know what I mean? But at the time that I turned it on and looked at it it’s like,”Yes I will take it and I will learn your entire program so that I can take so that I can coach these people and learn about mindset”. For the first time in my life.
Morris: Yeah that’s incredible. I really like your story and how you’re sharing it.
Andrea: Thank you.
Morris: You mentioned a couple of times that you didn’t know much about mindset, so what is mindset today? What does it mean today to you?
Andrea: That’s a really good question that I haven’t actually really thought of. I think at this point, mindset it to me it’s about perspective. Because perspective is what changes everything even when nothing has actually changed. Perspective a cheat. Having the right perspective can allow miracles to happen so I can give you an example.
This actually came from my mom and I didn’t realize, how she probably didn’t see it that way, but I didn’t realize how much wisdom lay in that. So I think there was one time we went out shopping or something and someone pickpocketed her. So all her money in her purse was actually gone and she was really understandably upset. But when we got home, she said you know what let that be charity that I’ll just take that as charity.
So someone just stole money from you and normally you’d be angry you go make a police report right and then it’d be really hard for you to sleep as well because you’re feeling so negative, you’re feeling angry and that’s probably going to affect your sleep and that’s going to affect how you show up at work the next day. You’re going to be short with your employees and with all that negative energy, it got to ripple out of you and it’s going to leak into your life. But when she said you know what I’ll take that as charity, it’s fine if this person has to steal, then this person probably really needed it.
Morris: That’s powerful.
Andrea: Yeah and she went to bed in peace and so nothing has changed. The circumstances has not changed but you can see how having that different perspective, that different mindset, that different attitude to things, the different belief that you would adopt as a result of that, how much of a miracle is that.
Morris: That is very powerful and what you said at the beginning what a great quote right? Like mindset is when perspective, no when you said when perspective changes, everything changes even though nothing changed.
Andrea: Yes that’s it.
Morris: What a quote. What a statement to make. You didn’t read that somewhere, right? That I can quote you on that?
Andrea: You can quote me on that. I’m pretty sure I must have read or heard that somewhere because it’s a concept but the way I’ve said it, I don’t think it was set that way. It’s like for me yeah because I’m sharing my personal opinion. My personal opinion is that having the right mindset is about having a change in perspective that allows you to change the way you view the world even though nothing in the world has actually changed. Let’s say that.
Morris: That’s the one. Andrea, thank you so much for coming here today. People listening to this, if they want to work with you, what is the best way to reach out to you?
Andrea: The best way to reach out to me is to you know message me on Facebook or find me on Instagram. My Instagram handle is theandiventures so T-H-E-A-N-D-I-V-E-N-T-U-R-E-S. You can find me on my website it’s www. andreafung.com. Facebook I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the URL but it’s like Andrea Fwl. I trust that Morris is gonna drop the links.
Morris: Yes all the links will be below this episode.
Andrea: Thank you for having me Morris.
Morris: It was such a pleasure having you. Thank you for coming here today.
Andrea: Thank you, thank you for letting me share. I hope that your audience enjoys this episode.
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