5 Reasons To Start a Podcast As Soon As You Can | Part 5 Content Marketing

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If you are having doubts about whether you’ll start your own podcast or not, better check this article as I will share 5 reasons why you need to start a podcast as soon as you can.

Here are the 5 reasons to start a podcast as soon as you can:

  1. No Camera: You don’t have to be on camera
  2. Reach: You can reach a massive audience
  3. Trust: Podcasts are great at building more trust with your audience
  4. Re-Purpose: Podcasts are probably the easiest content to re-purpose
  5. Monetization: If you do it right, your podcast can drive sales for your entire online business.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

But let me tell you this, creating and running a podcast still requires work.

The Power of Podcasting

Christian podcast studio interior. preacher reads the bible online, records a podcast, online radio broadcast created by ChatkarenStudio on Canva.com

The popularity of podcasts has been steadily growing over the past few years and it shows no signs of slowing down.

So jumping on board the podcast trend can be a great decision for any marketer right now.

I’ve already talked about podcasting in the past:

Feel free to check the above articles to gain more understanding of how podcasting works.

While podcasting has huge advantages, this content strategy also has 1 problem holding back most podcasters.

And that is Discoverability.

In other words, if you don’t promote your podcast, nobody will listen to it.

Podcasting isn’t like youtube videos or social media content where the platforms push great content and you can get viewers organically.

Podcasts usually get discovered by their rankings. You already need to have listeners to appear on the higher rankings.

This is why new or small podcasts struggle to get discovered and grow their audience.

So how are we going to solve this discoverability issue in Podcasting?

Keep reading as I answer this question by sharing with you the 5 reasons why you need to start a podcast as soon as you can.

5 Reasons to Start a Podcast As Soon As You Can

Reason #1: No camera

If you don’t feel like being in front of the camera, then you should really try Podcasting.

With Podcasting you can just talk into the microphone and it doesn’t matter what you look like today.

That makes it easier to create content, which helps tremendously with staying consistent.

In this blog series I’ve covered all of the best content strategies, one strategy isn’t better than the other. But no matter which strategy you pick, consistency is the decisive factor for content marketing.

Picking the content strategy where you can be consistent, that’s going to be the best strategy for you.

If you want your podcast to grow, you have to be consistent without exception.

And because you don’t need a camera for podcasting, it might help you a lot in being consistent.

Reason #2: Massive Reach

While it’s true that podcasts have bad discoverability, podcasts do have a massive reach. 

Statista Study

As you can see in Statista’s study here, podcast listeners have almost doubled in the last 5 years, and by 2024, this number is estimated to reach 504.9 million listeners.

Once you start promoting your podcast, there is a massive audience waiting to tune in.

That audience only keeps growing year after year, with no sign of slowing down at the moment.

Reason #3: Building Trust

As a coach or a consultant, we don’t get paid for views and likes. We make money by collecting leads and making sales.

But before somebody signs up with us or buys from us, they have to trust us first.

When somebody listens to your podcast, then you are building a relationship with them. On average, podcasters enjoy a higher level of trust with their listeners compared to social media.

So even if you only have a handful of listeners, use that relationship with them and ask them to help you share your episodes.

Make it a top priority to ask them for help and turn it into a community effort.

Just a few reminders to make the early phase work:

  1. You don’t have to sell anything.
  2. You don’t have to promote anything.
  3. Make it a mission to grow your podcast together.

Reason #4: Re-Purposing of Content

Personally, I think podcasts are the easiest content to re-purpose.


I find it much easier to turn a podcast episode into a video than it is the other way around.

If you just strip the audio from your videos and load that into your podcast, your listeners will feel that you’re not speaking directly to them. This breaks the immersion and breaks the trust.

However, you can take the audio from your podcast episode and edit it to make it more appealing. Consider the following ideas below:

  • You can try adding whiteboard animations
  • Show some photos and B-roll footage
  • Or even record yourself while talking

By doing so, it will be quite easy to re-purpose your podcast episode.

Here are some ways to re-purpose your podcast episode:

  • Re-purpose it into long-form video content to promote your podcast on YouTube and Facebook Watch.
  • You can take snippets of each episode and post them on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
  • You can also use many of the free tools to get a transcript of your podcast episode and turn that into a blog post. These blog posts can potentially rank on the search engines and also help you promote your podcast.
  • From your podcast episode-turned-to-blog, you can take short sections of this blog post and share them on Twitter.

If you do all of that consistently, you can get more listeners week by week, especially when your podcast link is easily found on all your social media profiles.

Reason #5: Monetization

The best way to monetize your podcast is to generate leads and drive sales for your coaching or consulting business.

But if signing up clients is a roadblock for you at the moment, I have created a report called ‘How To Get Your First Client Online‘. Grab it for FREE on my website to help you get your first client online.

Once you’re making money with your podcast, you can re-invest some of the profits into paid advertising and promotions. Which will accelerate its growth and make it even more discoverable.

Here are some of the most well-known Podcast in the world that can inspire you to start your podcast journey as soon as possible:

  • The Joe Rogan Experience – It’s a weekly podcast hosted by Joe Rogan, a comedian, and UFC commentator. The show features long-form conversations with a wide range of guests across different industries.
  • The Diary Of A CEO – Hosted by a British entrepreneur, businessman, and television persona Steven Bartlett. This podcast is an unscripted talk about business.

Study successful examples like these two shows and particularly look at how they promoted their podcasts before they got so big.

As I mentioned earlier, this is the fifth blog in the Content Marketing Strategies Series that I started. And for the last blog, let us all learn how to stay consistent with your content marketing.

Do you like being on camera or not? Let me know in the comments below if you love the camera and if the camera loves you. And what do you think about podcasting? When are you going to start your own?

And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.

Thank you and see you on my next blog!

2 thoughts on “5 Reasons To Start a Podcast As Soon As You Can | Part 5 Content Marketing”

  1. All sound reasons my friend. Not speaking in front of a camera removes ample prep work. No lighting check, no angles, no presentation in terms of visuals. One is free to speak and serve. I need to get back to my podcast; been having so much fun through other channels that I unintentionally put it on the backburner.


    • I feel you, Ryan! Focus means most other things end up on the backburner unintentionally. Though just because a strategy works, doesn’t mean we have to implement it. Focusing on one working strategy is still the best, in my opinion. Is your podcast on Spotify? Send me the link if you ever have time, I’ll tune in for sure!


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