Big thanks to Guin White for writing the video summary on this page. Guin helps people achieve their life goals – in half the time. How is this possible? Click here to find out.
On this page, you will find the summary notes from the interview in the video above.
In this interview, Morris is talking to Ryan Biddulph, the famous blogger behind BloggingFromParadise.com.
Ryan has achieved what so many dream of:
- Financial freedom,
- Traveling, and
- Abundance
But how did he get started? Did he have some special talents or knowledge?
Surprisingly, not!
What You Will Learn From This Interview?

First off, anyone can do this. Ryan started out with NO knowledge about SEO or the online world and with zero followers.
So then the question is: How did he pull it off? How did he start from zero and achieved the blogging dream?
Ryan Biddulph says it all comes down to the following 3 steps to make money blogging:
- Create content.
- Network with other bloggers in your niche.
- Monetize your blog through multiple income streams.
In this interview, Morris really wanted to dig deep – and get the blogging secrets out of Ryan.
Let’s dive in!
Step 1: How To Create Content For Your New Blog
What’s the truth about the blogger lifestyle?
- Enjoy a life of freedom, joy and travel but it’s not all about lambos, sitting on the beach, coconut drinks, infinity pools.
- It’s fun play but it’s also work!
- you’re going to be behind the laptop screen,
- you’re going to be looking at your phone,
- and? It’s WORK,
- …a lot of bloggers avoid telling the truth because they’re afraid it’ll scare people off.
Why blogging? What’s the advantage?
- One stop shop experience for readers, potential customers, clients.
- People will get it all: videos, podcasts, articles.
- Can be monetized limitlessly.
- Self-branded blog – set up and you have no restrictions, no other online channel or platform where you can do that (post whatever you want and sell whatever you want).
What are the steps to become a blogger, make money and be free?
- Ultimately it’s simple.
- Create helpful content (again and again).
- Build relationships (with readers, fellow bloggers, sponsors, advertisers, partners, affiliates).
- Monetize through different income streams.
What’s the catch? Blogging = Entrepreneur
- It’s uncomfortable for most people because we’re conditioned to think and act like employees.
- You have to shift into the mindset, beliefs, actions of an entrepreneur:
- You work on the front end to build the credibility, skills, expertise, exposure.
- And eventually the money comes on the back end.
- Requires consistency and patience.
What should the blog be about?
- Important to choose a niche.
- Become a specialist.
- Why? We trust specialists, i.e., doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., who are the best paid people, generally speaking.
What do we write about? How do you create content that’s actually good?
- Problem-solving is an important skill to have — you’re solving people’s problems through your blog posts.
- Most bloggers start with NO readers (except maybe their mom).
- Get familiar with other blogs in your niche
- Check out the most recent posts on big blogs in your niche:
- These are usually going to be highly targeted and aimed at the problems and questions (your prospective) readers already have.
- These are going to give you clues about what you should be writing about!
- Example if you’re writing about blogging, you might visit problogger.net (Darren Rouse’s blog) and you’d check out the last 5 to 10 posts.
- WARNING: No copying! That’s plagiarism! Just use the similar niche blogs as reference, inspiration…write your blog post to solve similar problems for similar readers.
Why would someone read MY blog when there’s already so many great bloggers in my niche out there? I feel like a fraud / imposter. Why would anyone read my blog, as a newbie?
- These are mental blocks that every new blogger struggles with.
- Solution: Learning = Teaching!
- When you understand that this is the real foundation, Imposter Syndrome goes out the door
- The best way to learn whatever it is you want to learn in life is to turn around and teach it (ref. Feynman Technique, won a Nobel prize about this very idea!) 💡
- You’ll have infinite content if you just teach what you’re learning about your chosen niche.
- You won’t gain confidence (as a blogger) until you start teaching what you learn, and writing and publishing posts.
- Follow top blogs in your niche.
- As you gain readers over time by sticking with the fundamentals, your readers will bring their problems to you and YOU’LL write posts to solve those problems.
- Eventually you may grow so popular and become recognized as such an expert in your specialty that you’ll get crazy good results and you might even outrank MASSIVE corporations (Ryan did!)
- Only with blogging can this happen.
- Only a blog can give you this kind of authority.
Step 2: Networking: How To Network Even When Nobody Knows Us

Starting out as a blogger, nobody really knows us and we don’t know anyone. So what should we do?
- To gain interest is to GIVE interest, so express interest in other bloggers GENUINELY.
- Follow blogs in your niche.
- Write genuine, thoughtful comments — to express your interest, your gratitude and your takeaways.
- A percentage of these bloggers in your niche will become interested in YOUR blog.
- This is how you start to build your tribe and to network.
- Share your posts (and your favorite bloggers’ posts) on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest…or any other relevant social media platforms for your niche.
💡 BIG NUGGET: Show you’re interested in the PERSON, not what they can do for you!
Step 3: Monetization: How To Make Money And Get Paid
How do we get paid for all our free content and hard work?
- Right off the bat, consider affiliate marketing which can be pretty straightforward and easy.
- Write (short, straight-to-the point) e-books that you then self-publish and sell on your site or Amazon (or both).
- Create courses
- Coaching
- Freelancing
How to sell ebooks as a blogger?
- Short and sweet guides
- 6K-15K words
- As long as you’re publishing content regularly, even as a new blogger, you could realistically create an ebook in 1 to 2 months.
How do we get people to buy (our ebook) from our blog?
- NOTE: Difficult to accept this… ego does not want to accept this.
- The money is actually in:
- Free content, and
- Friendships.
💡 There are many unexpected ways to get paid for all our free content:
- Setting up monetizing channels isn’t really that difficult as long as you’re tending to the foundations, and sticking to the process (writing and networking).
- The more you learn and become an intermediate blogger you’ll have the knowledge and you’ll learn to package it the right way, and then the friends and influential bloggers who believe in you will often help spread the word through something called viral marketing.
- The more helpful and authoritative your content is, the more people will trust you.
- When people trust you, they’ll buy your stuff.
What are some unexpected income streams?
- FREELANCING: Based solely on his blog posts, Ryan was hired to ghost-write an SEO book that became a best-seller on Amazon
- To reiterate…
💡 Money = Free Content (+Trust + Relationships)
What should we do when we make a mistake?
- If you’re struggling, you’re definitely NOT alone,
- A lot of the most recognized business icons and top bloggers in the world will be the first to tell you they screwed up and questioned themselves,
- It happens with every single human being,
- Mistakes happen and we just have to accept this as part of blogging and being a blogger,
💡 IMPORTANT: Tread lightly around traffic… and any metrics (profits, conversions, percentages, etc).
You can use them as a guidemark but they can lead to negative, depressed thinking because the “numbers aren’t where they should be!”
Takeaway: Metrics are an ego trap! Stick to the fundamentals; and stick to the process.
Surprise: You Don’t Need Analytics For Blogging (What?!)
Fun Fact: Ryan Biddulph has never set up Google Analytics (GA) on his blogs (because he knew it was going to be an addiction: GAA (Google Analytics Addiction).
He knew it would be nothing but problems. A time suck and an ego trip that he chose not to engage in.
- The ego is a jerk!
- It screws everything up.
- The ego always wants outcomes.
When obsessing over metrics, bloggers get caught up in a mindset of: “This isn’t enough.”
And it becomes a real block. They start to focus on writing, publishing, posting from a “not enough” energy so they hold back and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that goes on until they quit.
If you can trust the process, you’ll be fine.
EXCEPTION: Occasional check, just to test engagement.
Takeaway? Don’t worry about metrics. Hell, don’t even look at ‘em. That’s it.
Bonus: 1-Hour Successful Blogger Routine

What’s a good 1-hour blogging routine that we can do (and stick to) every day?
- In your niche you want to identify (the most) pressing problems.
- So, read a few top blogs — at least a couple of posts — in your niche (10 mins).
- Brainstorm a couple of blog post titles based on your research (5 mins).
- Writing content (15-20 mins)
- Blog post: 600-1000 words or perhaps a little bit more.
- 1 to 2 posts per week (at least to start).
- Networking (what’s left of your hour…25 to 30 mins).
- As you get more comfortable and build up a list of content ideas, you can reduce the amount of time you spend daily on research.
- As an intermediate-level blogger, a 1-hour routine may look more like this:
- Writing (20 mins)
- Networking (40 mins)
Why spend more time networking than writing?
- There is WAY more value in publishing one post and then sharing it with blogger friends; which means your helpful post is potentially shared and endorsed by many more influencers with their readers, fans and followers.
- If you spend all that time just writing posts, you miss out on the bigger opportunities to reach readers and other bloggers who, yet again, will share, comment on and endorse YOUR post.
- Robert Kiyosaki: the wealthiest, most successful people in the world BUILD NETWORKS
Bonus: Resources To Be Successful At Blogging
If you want to have the best chance at succeeding as a blogger – and actually make money from it – then Ryan recommends his course: “How to Become a Pro Blogger in 5 Steps”. Click here to learn more about it.
Also, my favorite book written by Ryan Biddulph is this one: “How to Build an Online Empire through Blog Commenting”. For me personally, the hardest part was networking and building an audience for my blog.
That’s why this particular book was so valuable to me. Click here to view the book.
Big thanks to Ryan Biddulph for agreeing to do this interview. Click here to visit his blog called BlogginFromParadise.
And also big thanks to Guin White for writing the summary notes on this page. Click here to learn more about how she helps people around the world achieve some of their biggest goals in life.
What about you? Has this interview inspired you to start blogging? Let us know in the comments below! Ryan, Guin, and I would be happy to hear from you.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!