How can you create the best content and get thousands of followers?
This is a question that I heard a lot earlier today. I came across this post on Facebook. Amira D. Rahim originally posted it but I found it on the Becoming You Page by Sabine Roden.

The first section says
“Artists are not like athletes. We cannot win gold. We cannot beat other creatives. We cannot come first. Sport is objective. Our craft is subjective.”
I originally wanted to share it on Facebook and I started writing a post which became way longer than I thought so I decided to turn it into a short article here. So the question is ..
What Is The Best Content?
I think about this often when helping others create content for their social media or YouTube channels. Is there really such a thing as the best content?
Because when you think about it, there are countless examples of content that are posted that I dislike or you dislike but the person who posted it has a huge or loyal following. I mean, that’s why people argue online all the time. People have different opinions but they both have big audiences or loyal followings.
And sure we can count the number of followers or subscribers and that would be an objective way to say who’s better or bigger but the reality is that obsessing over followers is the fastest way to burn out and quit.
I have spoken with or even worked with several large creators and influencers and they all told me the same thing.
Don’t obsess over the number of followers you have.
So when I saw this Facebook post today I thought I found almost the perfect answer by Amira D Rahim in her post so here’s what she wrote next
“Creating to be the best is a waste of energy. Instead, create to connect with the people who need you. Because they’re out there. Create in your way, because there is no right way. Take the pressure off, and focus on your unique brand of magic.”
I know she wrote this for artists and we’re marketers. Marketing in the business world is all about:
- Making profits
- Creating tangible measurable result
However, there is a creative element to marketing and business too especially when it comes to people who want to create content for social media and YouTube too.
They feel this pressure to impress thousands of people similar to the message of this post.
Creating content isn’t about who creates the best content. Creating content and posting it online, is about connecting with people.
In short, you don’t need to impress the most people or in other words have the most followers, you just need to connect with the right people online.

And if you want to create content for social media then read my articles here where I wrote an entire series about content marketing and about how you can succeed on all the major platforms.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!