If you’ve been struggling to build an email list right now, it’s probably because:
- You are sending traffic to the wrong place
- There’s no excitement around your list
- You don’t have a project
- Another thing that I’m going to share with you in this article.
And I guarantee that if you implement everything that I’m gonna share with you in this blog, you’re gonna start to build a great email list.
Because it’s incredibly simple to build an email list right now. In fact, it’s easier to build an email list now than it ever has been before.
New marketers are messing up so many different things but in this blog, we’re going to cover them all.
In fact, these things helped me get over 300 emails in less than a month, without buying any traffic.
Here are more proofs:
- One client got 450 subscribers
- Another client got 850 subscribers within just a few months
Even though they haven’t done email marketing before that.
The same exact thing can happen to you if you simply implement the tips that I will share with you in this blog.
But I will warn you, if you skip just one part of these tips, it’s going to be the reason that you do not end up building your email list.
Tips In Building Your Email List
Tip #1: Send Traffic To Opt-in Page

First and foremost, make sure that you start building your email list right now, and send ALL your traffic to the opt-in page and nowhere else.
And for so many new marketers, you mess this up.
There are essentially two best ways to focus on sending traffic to your opt-in page:
- The first one is on your social media accounts, which means the bio text and link.
- And the second is in the content that you publish online, whether that’s social media content or blog content.
So if you build an email list, then you have to make this a top priority. Don’t send traffic to many different places.
A mistake so many people make is that they:
- Link to their calendar
- Their Facebook Group
- Their Amazon book
- And sometimes they link to their email opt-in page.
And to the outside, it doesn’t even look like your email list is that important.
If you can’t do this, then you should break down your marketing into 3 steps:
- Create content
- From your content, always link to your email opt-in page
- And anything else you would like to promote besides your email list, you can show it to people on the thank-you page after they have signed up for your email list.
Whether that’s your bookings calendar, your Amazon book, or YouTube channel, and so on.
But I will warn you, just doing this is not enough.
And please, do not make the mistake that I see so many new marketers do right now.
To the outside world, do not present your email list as a thing you do on the side, present it as your main channel.
Tip #2: Share Enthusiasm For Email List
The next thing is to make sure that you share your passion and excitement for your email list.
I see so many new marketers mess this up.
They talk about their email list as if it were a transaction where:
- They don’t share their values.
- They don’t share their mission for their email list.
- They appear as if there is no passion and no enthusiasm for their email list.
So many of you right now are making the mistake of looking at these big corporate newsletters or big names in your industry. These are successful businesses with massive email lists and maybe growing their list organically isn’t even a top priority for them anymore because they have money for advertising.

If you are a small marketer or new solopreneur, copying what they do won’t work for you.
So if you want to be looking at what fast-growing email marketers do, you wanna be looking at what has worked for other small marketers and solopreneurs.
If it’s worked for a new coach, consultant, or solopreneur who is creating excitement for their email list, guess what that means?
- That means they’re building an audience.
- They’re driving traffic to their opt-in page.
- They’re getting email sign-ups.
- And it’s a high likelihood that if you follow the same process you will build your list also.
In addition to those things, if you mess up creating excitement for your emails, two things are going to happen:
- It’s going to be very difficult to drive traffic to your opt-in page.
- Your opt-in page might have a low conversion rate.
And essentially, that’s what’s happening to a lot of new email marketers so you need to make sure that you are not making that mistake.
And I do need to emphasize to you. Because to be honest:
- It is easier to build an email list right now.
- To drive traffic to the opt-in page.
- To have a higher conversion rate, than it ever has before.
But I need to warn you and I need to warn you fast. That is going to completely change in the next 6 months or so.
The reason is that with the use of AI, there is a flood of people creating generic and boring content online, which includes emails.
This makes people suspicious of email lists because these AI-generated texts give email marketing a bad reputation. This is why you need to take it incredibly seriously during the golden age of content marketing and email marketing.
Because it was way harder for me to build my email list 5 years ago than it is right now.
And you have the same exact opportunity right now so please, do not squander it, it could completely change your business and your life.
Tip #3: Have A Project And Write About It
Now if you’re sure that you’re driving all your traffic to your email opt-in page and sharing your enthusiasm for your emails, there are probably two other things that are ruining the growth of your email list.
You don’t have a project that you can write about.
If you have an exciting project to write about then you should always be aiming for regular updates to your audience and email readers.
And basically, what you’re going to notice is one of three things happening:
- You give generic advice.
- There is no urgency to your emails.
- Be an action-taker
You Give Generic Advice
Either one, you always give generic advice. All that means is, you’re sharing theoretical knowledge as opposed to practical learning based on your own experience.
No Urgency To Your Emails
The second thing that happens, and this is one of the most common things, is that there is no urgency to your emails.
If this happens, it means that you don’t have anything going on that will pass or won’t be relevant anymore in the near future. So what you should do is have a project on the side that you can share updates on.
These are very simple things to change.
Be An Action-Taker
If you see nobody clicking the link to your email opt-in page, you need to do one of two things:
- You need to have a more relevant side project.
- Another thing you need to be looking at is case studies or examples of things you’re doing with other people, clients, or customers.
You need to understand something.
The way you’re actually going to get better at this, you need to stop being a teacher and you need to make the shift to being an action taker who shares valuable lessons learned from first-hand experience.
Tip #4: Don’t Call Your Email List A Newsletter
There is one last thing that we need to make sure that you are doing, and that is to stop calling your email list a newsletter.
Let me give you a prime example: Out of the following two options, what is more appealing?
- Sign up for my health newsletter
- Or, I’m helping Joe lose 10 lbs over the next 3 months to get him ready for his big wedding day. To join us on our journey with regular updates, his diet, and exercise routines, enter your email below.
I see so many new marketers making this mistake. In fact, most new marketers are making a combination of all these mistakes.
- Not sending all traffic to the email opt-in page.
- Not sharing any enthusiasm or passion for their emails.
- Not having any exciting side projects to share with their readers.
- And simply calling it a newsletter.
And that is why you don’t grow your email list or you don’t get any clients and customers from your email marketing.
But if you want to get your very first client online almost guaranteed. You read that right, almost guaranteed, your very first coaching or consulting client.
Then you need to download my FREE guide called “How To Get High-Ticket Clients Online” because this is where I share the exact social media networking strategy that I used to launch my business even though I’m just a small fish and nobody knows me in this industry.
And I have shared this method with many other people and those who actually follow the script, it works for them too. You will find the script in this free guide.
To monetize your email list, you need to read this article here next with my top 10 No BS Marketing Tips that I would tell my younger self.
And I am done sharing my tips on how to build your email list. Perhaps, you have your own tips as well. Would you mind sharing them below and let’s talk about them?
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
This FREE guide will show you the exact process that led me to signing up my first $2,000/mo client, back when I was starting out as a nobody. You can download this from my website at CreateGrowProfit.