You will find three answers on this page:
- I’m going to show you the difference between coaching and therapy;
- I will tell you the story of when I realized that I was a coach; and
- Why I think that coaching is the fastest way to achieving any goal that you want in your life.
Coaching Vs. Therapy: What’s The Difference?
I realized that I am a coach when I began my own coaching training and the teacher explained the difference between therapy and coaching:
- Therapy is about understanding your past and how it made you who you are today;
- Coaching is about your future and how you can achieve an important goal that will transform your life for the better.
After hearing this definition, I realized that I’ve been coaching all my life, since childhood.
Early Coaching Experiences
I’ve always been very passionate about helping others become better, even when I was just a child. It started with games and sports. Above everything else, I wanted my friends to be better at the game or sport, which always resulted in them being all smiles and cheerful.
Those were some of my happiest moments when a friend played with us and I could support them through the match so that at the end they would feel like a top player.
Later, I’ve helped friends and acquaintances with other areas in life:
- Health,
- Relationships,
- Investing money, and
- Building businesses.
And even though I’ve had many coaching experiences, I never realized I was a coach until I started my own coaching training. That’s when the light bulb went off.
Twitter Coaching Example

For example, I used to be very active on Twitter and grew an account to several thousand followers. I was earning a little money on the side with this Twitter account by:
- Selling ebooks,
- Doing affiliate marketing, and
- Building an email list.
As people saw how my account grew and how much interaction I received on my tweets, I would sometimes be asked for help.
There was one individual who was very frustrated and about to give up: Nobody liked their tweets and they were hardly gaining any followers.
When this person reached out to me, I really wanted to help them – I was afraid that they would quit.
I wanted them to see that social media is a game that anyone can learn. It’s not about their value as a person, it’s just about playing this game called Twitter.
Through many DMs back and forth, I could help them make progress quickly. Seeing little improvements, their hope returned. And with new hope, their motivation returned. And so they took action, implemented, learned, and improved.
- They gained thousands of followers,
- They started making money with affiliate marketing, and
- Later selling ebooks;
- And the best part was, then they went on to teach others who were struggling on Twitter.
Seeing this chain reaction made me realize that this is all I want to do.
Back then I didn’t know yet what this work would be called, but since my training, I know now that this is called coaching. And that’s when I realized that I am a coach.
The Danger Of Doing It Alone
Most successful people had help along the way. Yes, they still had to put in the hard work and nothing was given to them for free, but they also accepted support from others.
Whatever your goal is, if right now you want to do it alone, think about the consequences of having an environment that holds you back. Think about the negativity and mental blocks you have to deal with. This is your environment directly influencing you.
The Value Of Coaching
Now compare that to an environment that makes it easy for you to take action, implement, and succeed. That’s really what coaching is all about Creating an environment that all but guarantees your success.
A trained coach is someone who has a wide array of tools to help you achieve your unique goals. That’s why at the beginning of this article, I said that coaching is the fastest way to achieving any goal that you want in your life.
Do you currently have a coach? Or do you have someone positively supporting you on your way to success? Let me know in the comments below.
In the next article, I will share my story of when I learned what influences us humans the most and how to use this knowledge to make sales. Click here to read it now.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!