In this article, I’m going to share with you how to be seen as a valuable person online so that other people will want to work with you or buy from you.
I learned how to do this after speaking to a consultant with 42 years of experience. His name is Lanny Goodman and he and I are doing the same coaching training. We met when we were put into the same practice group and we’ve emailed each other back and forth after that session.
Lanny has shared with me invaluable lessons from his decades of consulting. His clients are CEOs and business owners all around the world and they would fly him into their offices in different countries. He is also the author of the book “The End of Management”.
At the end of the article, I’ll show you how you can get a free copy of his book.
I am very grateful that Lanny has shown me ways to create more value for my clients and charge higher fees. With his permission, I can now share it with you on this page.
From Low-Ticket To High-Ticket

My very first online business started with selling ebooks as an affiliate.
The problem is, that it’s very difficult to become rich selling ebooks. And if you don’t realize the limitations of this business model, you might think you failed and go back to a day job or career that you hate.
I started online marketing on the side, over 10 years ago when I was still in school. My focus was entirely on blogging and affiliate marketing because back then I didn’t want to invest in ads or product creation. That’s how many people start out online and it’s a graveyard of broken dreams.
But when you stick through this phase, you’ll eventually come to the realization that you need to charge more money. But this is a massive roadblock for many solopreneurs.
How do you charge someone $3,000 for your knowledge? Whether you sell it in the form of a:
- Course
- Workshop
- Mastermind
- Or 1-on-1 consulting
You can only really charge $3,000 by creating results for the client that are worth at least $15,000 to $20,000. Even better if you create results that are worth 10x of what you charge.
So if you want to charge $10,000 for your knowledge, you have to create results that are worth $100,000 and more.
That’s intimidating! How the hell are you going to become so valuable and make others see it?
I finally have an answer, thanks to my conversations with Lanny Goodman.
I’ve read and re-read Lanny’s emails multiple times, extracted his advice, and sorted his suggestions in order. What I ended up with was a transformation plan that consisted of 3 phases.
Taking your client through these 3 phases is all but guaranteed to deliver the outcome that your client so desperately desires. It doesn’t matter if you do it in a course, workshop, mastermind, or 1-on-1 sessions, these 3 phases always stay the same.
Phase 1: Digging Deeper
Whatever you sell, your prospects usually have a superficial goal that they want to accomplish – and a bigger goal that is hidden beneath it.
The value lies in these big goals and if you want to charge more money, you have to help people achieve their biggest goals.
Lanny Goodman gave me an example using websites. He wrote: “The website is really only the tip of the iceberg. Building a site for someone gives you an amazing opportunity to dig deeper to learn what he/she is feeling the welling pressure to accomplish.”

- Why does someone want to create a website?
- Is it to sell a product?
- Is it to look like an accomplished professional?
- Is it to look better than the competition?
As a former web developer, I can tell you that nobody really wants a website just for the sake of having a website.
That’s why phase 1 in this process is about uncovering the true goal of your prospect. As Lanny called it: “The welling pressure to accomplish.”
Let’s take weight loss as another example. If you offer any weight loss training, you should dig deeper.
- Why does this person want to lose weight and be slimmer?
- Is it for their health so they can live longer?
- Is it to look pretty and attract their dream partner?
Keep digging until you uncover the real reasons. You have to identify them because making these dreams come true for your client is much more valuable.
Phase 2: Exhausting The Client’s Content
In Phase 2, you will help the client get clear on how they want to achieve their goal – and you will help them implement their best strategies. The critical part of phase 2 is that it is their ideas. Let me explain.
Have you ever recommended your favorite book to a dear friend, and even if they order it, they never end up reading it?
Or if you’ve ever tried to help someone with anything in life, I am sure you’ve had this experience: People simply don’t follow your advice. No matter how enthusiastic they are about your suggestions, they still don’t do it.
Why is this?
That’s because deep down, nobody likes to be told what to do. Humans are very stubborn even if they don’t show it.
If you want to help someone achieve their goals, you first have to help them do it their way. No matter how perfect your plan is, your clients will have a lot of difficulty implementing it if they don’t have a word to say in it.
Deep down, they still think they know better and all they want is for you to make it work.
Phase 2 is the coaching part of the transformation. Lanny has made a clear distinction between coaching and consulting, he wrote: “I see coaching as a process in which the client brings the content. Our job is to create space for them to do that. Consulting is where we bring the content.”

If you can do this, you will be infinitely better at communicating with your client.
- Your clients will feel understood; they feel that you got them.
- This builds trust, and credibility, and makes you very valuable.
Help your clients identify their very best ideas and strategies. And help them do it the right way while staying efficient and focused on their big goal.
When the client has implemented all their ideas and has already achieved as much as they can with your help, now it’s time for phase 3.
Phase 3: Bringing Your Content
If you’ve followed this process, then your client is now ready for your content.
Your client has already come a long way, they’ve built trust with you, and they are in the middle of their transformation to their biggest goal.
But sometimes they’re not quite there, yet.
Lanny wrote in his email: “I would encourage you to think about what value you can bring to your clients beyond the clarification of their aspirations, avoidance, and next steps and think about what content you can provide (besides ongoing coaching).”

Now you bring the metaphorical hammer. Now you deliver:
- Your biggest secrets,
- The strategies and action steps
- That will catapult your client directly into their dream life.
This is where you can shine as an expert because your client will be open, willing, and ready to take action on your suggestions.
Phases 1 and 2 are already incredibly valuable. And you can charge above-average fees for this service alone.
But when you add Phase 3 to the process, that’s when you join the top 0.1% in your market. Very rarely does a course, workshop, or other service deliver so much value.
Lanny Goodman’s Book
At the beginning of this article, I’ve told you about Lanny and his book “The End of Management”. Lanny helps business owners turn their business into a well-oiled machine that they can step away from.
What I didn’t tell you yet, is how you can get a free copy of his book. All you have to do is fill out this form on Lanny’s website and he will send you a free ebook version.
And when you download the book, use this opportunity to get in touch with Lanny by replying to his email!
How To Sell This 3-Phase Plan
Analyzing Lanny’s emails and seeing how these 3 phases work has been incredibly eye-opening for me. Now of course, having the 3-phase model is one thing. But we also need to sell it!
In my next post, I show you how you can pitch this 3-phase plan to someone and sign up clients. Click here to read it now.
If you have any other questions, please write them in the comments below. I’d be happy to hear your questions and answer them for you.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!