7 Lead Magnets to Quickly Build Your Email List in 2024

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You CANNOT grow your Email List Quickly without a Valuable Lead Magnet.

In this blog, I’m going to share 7 Lead Magnets to help you quickly build your email list and I’ll also show you the Lead Magnet examples related to the coaching business.

But, let’s talk about something important first. 

I am sure you’re wondering what’s this lead magnet, and how does it help with growing your email list in 2024.

What Is A Lead Magnet?

So, it’s pretty simple. A lead magnet is a “freebie” or a free resource that you offer to your potential clients in exchange for their email addresses.

Ideally, your lead magnet offers something unique and valuable to your audience and establishes you as an “authority” in your field.

Now, this free offer could be:

  • Quiz
  • Guide
  • Checklist
  • Webinar
  • Video Series
  • Or any other type of content that helps your audience achieve a goal or solve a problem they have.  

That’s exactly what I will discuss in detail in like a minute but before that..let’s quickly understand how lead magnets help you grow your email list QUICKLY.

How Lead Magnet Works?

Well, they’re not just freebies; they’re like magnets pulling in the right kind of people to your email list. 

Speaking from experience, lead magnets can help you:

  • Attract your target audience.
  • Build a relationship with them.
  • Share valuable content to help them.
  • Position yourself as an industry expert.
  • And ultimately, convert them into clients.

When your ideal client grabs your lead magnet, they’re not just getting a freebie; they’re giving you the green light to keep the conversation going and build a connection.

Here’s the thing: not everyone is ready to buy from you right away, especially if they don’t know you well. 

They want to know, like, and trust you first. 

That’s where engaging with them over time comes in handy, and guess what? 

Email marketing is your secret weapon for that.

But here’s the thing – to send them those interesting emails, they need to say, “Yes, I want to hear more!” 

That’s where the lead magnet comes in, making your offer too good to resist and convincing them to join in. 

It’s like inviting them to a great chat.

Seven Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List Quickly

Now, let’s see the 7 Lead Magnets that can help you Build Your Email List Quickly.

Lead Magnet #1: Webinar or Masterclass

Webinars are one of the most effective ways to boost conversions on your offers.

If you send people straight to a webinar from a landing page then you’re much more likely to have a higher conversion rate because it has a much higher perceived value than other types of lead magnets.

As a coach, you can use a webinar to teach or tell your potential clients more about a topic in a great detailed way.

It can help you get a lot of clients online.

I made a blog where I talk about this a lot more, if you haven’t read it yet, click here.

Whether you call it a video tutorial, training, class, masterclass, or workshop, a webinar can help you build the “know, like, and trust” factor because you’re positioning yourself as a teacher or industry expert.

Your webinar lead magnet can be done live or it can be pre-recorded and it can be in any format you like:

  • Slideshow with audio
  • Direct-to-camera
  • Or a mix of both

Since webinars are scheduled events, you’ll have the full attention of your webinar attendees and they can also ask you questions at the end.

For example, you can offer a free webinar on a specific topic, problem, or solution that your prospects are interested in. 

The key is to make sure that your webinar is

  • Informative
  • Engaging
  • And valuable for your prospects

You also need to have:

  • A strong lead capture form
  • A follow-up email sequence
  • And a clear offer at the end of your webinar

For example: Amy Porterfield offers a free live master class on how to create and deliver your first 5-figure webinar.

This lead magnet works so well because it’s very specific and targeted toward people who want to know how to create and launch their webinars.

Lead Magnet #2: Challenges (5/7/14 Days)

This Lead Magnet is great for sparking motivation and making your audience engaged to participate.

Because challenges encourage participants to achieve a goal within a specific timeframe.

Want to know what kind of challenges exist in your coaching niche?

Try this HACK: Look up similar challenges in your field for reference [search “5/7/14 day challenge + your niche”].

For example, if you’re a fitness coach, then you can create a 7-day challenge for people to do a quick workout each day. 

If you’re a life coach, think about daily small wins in a week. 

Challenges, whether 5, 7, or 14 days, set a goal in a short time. 

Tip: Keep it doable and rewarding for maximum fun and engagement! Whether fitness or personal growth, make it enjoyable and something to be proud of!

An example of this lead magnet in action is the 5-day Healthy Smoothie Challenge by Autumn, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist:

Lead Magnet #3: Free Mini Email Course

The course is sent out in 7 emails over 7 days, each day next new lesson unlocks.

Offering a Free Email Course is also an excellent strategy for coaches. It positions you as an expert already when you use this kind of lead magnet.

So, here’s how it works. You can send lessons over 7 days (or more) to engage your audience. 

Giving a one-week course where you share tips only available to people who sign up for your email list makes it even more exclusive.

This way you can make them feel special and show that you care about helping them reach their goals.

This lead magnet not only keeps your subscribers hooked but also works wonders in building trust and credibility as a coach. 

It’s like a personalized journey, showing them you’re genuinely invested in their progress.

Example: If you specialize in health and wellness coaching, a “7-Day Clean Eating Mini Course” could be a great lead magnet. 

Each day could focus on a different aspect of clean eating, complete with tips, recipes, and even short exercise routines.

Look at  Tiffany Julie, a famous success coach – she does something similar with a “Course” lead magnet on her website.

Lead Magnet #4: Checklist Or Cheat Sheet

Another great lead magnet for coaches is a checklist or cheatsheet—it’s like a quick guide that’s super easy to understand and put into action.

Imagine you’re a life coach helping people build positive habits. You could create a cheat sheet listing quick tips, affirmations, or reflection questions. It’s like a cheat code for leveling up in life!

Checklists or cheat sheets break down a topic into simple, bite-sized pieces. 

You can create a checklist or cheatsheet for just about anything such as a list of

  • Tips ( could be DO’s or DONT’s)
  • Tools and resources
  • Mindset shifts
  • Journal prompts
  • Quotes or affirmations
  • Positive habits or activities
  • Questions or statements to reflect on

Your potential clients can keep or print out this handy guide, turning to it whenever they need a boost. 

This not only makes you an expert but also a trusted source they’ll rely on again and again.

Here’s an example of Peter Nguyen, a men’s style coach, who uses cheat sheets. A guy having trouble finding clothes that fit would appreciate this cheat sheet.


Here’s a cheat sheet offered by Jon Morrow:

In this cheat sheet, you get “52 Headline Hacks” for writing blog posts that go viral.

Lead Magnet #5: Fill-In-The-Blanks Templates

The best lead magnets are the ones that give people a result or outcome. 

You want your audience to work through a problem and resolve it. When they get this little win, they realize that you can bring them the results they seek.

Templates are the perfect lead magnets for coaches who want to give their audience a little help creating their content. 

People love free fill-in-the-blank templates. 

These templates make it super easy for your audience to put together their content, whether it’s for social media posts, emails, or any other creative project.

It’s like having a ready-made guide that makes their life easier, and who doesn’t love that?

For example: This is an infographic first published on the Red Website Design blog, you can create something similar that’s relevant to your niche.

Lead Magnet #6: Offer A Free Digital Version Of Your Printed Book

A digital book is like a bird with wings. It can go places your printed book can’t. 

It’s like your ticket to reaching more people, getting noticed, and becoming a familiar name in the coaching world.

That’s why offering an e-book or digital version of your printed book is a great way to get more subscribers.

People grab valuable books the moment they get an opportunity and it’s even better if it’s just a click away.

Now, giving away good stuff without asking for anything? 

That builds trust. Your readers get a feel for how you coach, making a real connection.

Instead of giving the whole book for free, you can also give a free book chapter.

If you’ve written a book or are planning to write one, then giving away a free chapter of your book can make for an excellent lead magnet.

Cuz if the reader likes your book, you can upsell them on purchasing the full book.

Here’s how Tim Ferris offers a free chapter of his “4-hour work week” book on his homepage:

Lead Magnet #7: Signing Up With Email To Join Your Free Online Community

Private FB Group Or Free Membership Or Other

Now, let’s talk about our seventh lead magnet idea. 

You can consider establishing an exclusive community.

Now, it could be a private Facebook group a Free Membership Site, or any other space.

This idea goes beyond just creating a space for interaction; it’s about building trust with your new subscribers and gaining insights into their specific needs. 

Only by understanding your audience better, you can offer highly personalized solutions, and address their unique pain points.

Here’s how this lead magnet works: I’ve got a Membership site where you can sign up and get access to all my exclusive courses, training, and extra materials.

You can check it out here.

So, which one of these Lead Magnets will you pick? Let me know in the comments below.

And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.

Thank you and see you on my next blog!

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