The top influencers make it look easy because they have perfected their content creation strategy, which is why in this blog I’m going to put on my detective hat and snoop around behind the scenes and show you how they do it.
In my research, I have identified 3 key tactics.
And I have to warn you: These 3 tactics will require you to completely change how you create content. But it will be totally worth it if you want your content to succeed.
Biggest Challenge for New Content Creators
Let’s start with one of the biggest problems that new content creators face. And that is consistency.
If your content creation strategy is bad, then you’re going to have an incredibly hard time posting regularly and staying consistent. But the top influencers and creators on social media, seem to never run out of content ideas and are posting consistently.
How do they do it?
Let’s have a look at 4 hand-picked examples.
Alanis Colina
Alanis Colina, a travel and photography influencer on Instagram with over 10,000 followers, wrote in a blog post about her camera, that she likes to go out to batch create content.
Tamilore, who writes for Buffer, specifically mentions content batching as a winning strategy for creating more content consistently.
Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki, a well-known marketing specialist, famous for being responsible for marketing the Macintosh computer line at Apple, wrote on LinkedIn about the importance of batching:
Casey Neistat
On Reddit, many fans of Casey Neistat, who has over 12 Million subscribers on YouTube, credit batch recording for his consistency and massive success.
Have you noticed a similarity?
I’m sure it was obvious: it is batching content.
Considering how widespread this part of content creation is, I’m surprised how little it is talked about. But behind the scenes, I guarantee that virtually all big content creators are batching their content.
What most beginners do is exactly the opposite.
Try to create new content every day and post it on the same day.
Tactic #1: Batching
So the first key tactic for your winning content creation strategy is this: Batching.
You can do that by:
- Dedicating 1 day per week to create the content for the entire week.
- Then, you either schedule your posts for the rest of the week.
- Or post them manually every day.
For Twitter, I use a tool called Zlappo, and here is the process that I follow:
- On Sunday, I write my tweets for the entire next week.
- I schedule them in Zlappo.
- Then I don’t have to worry about coming up with new tweets every day.
- All I have to do is open Twitter, reply to comments, and find other accounts to engage with.
And it makes it very easy to stay consistent.
Batching alone will have a massive impact on your consistency.
All you have to do is dedicate one day per week to creating all your content and then stick to this routine.
Tactic #2: Engage With Your Audience
The second tactic of the best content creation strategies is about where to get your content ideas from.
Far too often, we try to come up with content ideas out of thin air. Or we think we have to be creative to get great content ideas.
Let’s see what the best content creators and top influencers do.
Pay attention to the following 4 examples:
Alexander Cortes
Here is Alexander Cortes, a fitness influencer with 45,000 followers on Instagram and almost 200,000 followers on Twitter.
In his Instagram reel, he answers a question about drinking alcohol on weekends.
When you check his Twitter, one of his Twitter posts answers a frustration that he hears a lot, people who only have time to train 2 days a week.
Jake Ceja
Meet Jake Ceja, a videographer with 5.5 Million subscribers on YouTube. In this YouTube Shorts, we can see that he approaches a food stand owner and asks if he can record him while barbecuing.
And finally, here is Buildapreneur, a big YouTuber in the affiliate marketing niche with over 200,000 subscribers, where he answers a question called “How People Get Rich”
Do you notice what’s going on here?
These successful creators are engaging with their audience.
The key element is this:
For their followers, it is obvious that they pay attention to:
- What their audience is asking,
- Is curious about,
- Or is frustrated with
And they answer these topics in their content.
There is a big problem though for people who start with a new or small account: You probably don’t get many comments and questions.
There is a simple fix, however:
All you have to do is find bigger accounts in your niche and look at what their audience is asking, what they’re curious about, or complaining about.
Because their audience is also your future audience.
For example, if you are in the fitness niche and you see people asking in the comments about drinking on the weekend, you can take that comment and answer it in your next social media post.
Onto the third and final tactic.
Tactic #3: Document What You Do
This tactic is a really big one.
This is something that will totally change how you view your content. And you will have to change your mindset to implement this effectively.
The best way for me to explain this is with a quote from Gary Vee’s blog who mastered this tactic.
He wrote: “I document what I do and that itself becomes what I can post on my social media (…)”
What most new or small content creators do is the exact opposite: They research a topic and teach it.
The tips are valuable for sure, and of course, some people appreciate the free education… but this is not the content that will inspire people to connect with you, engage with you, and work with you.
You will notice that all the best content creators and the biggest influencers do something different: They document what they do.
In other words, they walk the talk. Then they share their experiences or lessons learned.
People want to learn from someone who’s doing things. They want to see you try something, maybe fail, maybe succeed, that’s not the point… but then you share that in your content. Or you even just share the process, or your emotions while on the journey.
That’s why I said it takes a big mental shift to truly implement this winning tactic:
- Stop: Researching and teaching
- Start: Doing and documenting
I have one more bonus tip for you, that I haven’t shared with anyone yet because I only recently started doing this.
But first a quick overview of the 3 tactics I found by studying the top influencers and content creators:
- Batch create: 1 day per week, create all content for the week.
- Engage with your audience: Reply to your audience’s questions and frustrations, engage with them as much as you can and in many other ways you can think of.
- Document what you do: Stop teaching abstract theories, instead document what you do and share your lessons learned.
Alright here is something NEW that’s helping me with my content creation strategy.
For the last 4 months of the year, I have been building a strict daily writing habit. For this purpose, I’ve printed out this calendar here that I designed in Canva, and every day when I write, I mark it with a cross.
The goal is to keep the chain of crosses going until the very last day of the year.
It’s almost like a little game and I find it incredibly motivating to see the chain of crosses grow with each day.
As I said, I designed this myself in Canva, and if you wanna have the exact same calendar that I mentioned, you can download it from my website.
And if you want to know why writing every day is so important for your marketing, then you need to read this blog post next, about the 10 No BS Marketing Tips – which is one of the best strategies for coaches, consultants, and service providers.
There you have it! These three tactics can really change the way you create your content. Do you have anything to add? Share them down on the comment and I would love to read them all.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!
All are great tips because I have personally experienced how batch creating, then engaging with folks who love your content, promotes slow and steady growth on social media. High level pros like these simply do not panic and bail because each trusts themselves and the social media process enough to keep at it for years. The few who do not panic and bail become the few we all admire, appreciate and learn from. Get the detailed, targeted work done, via batch creating, then as you drip it out daily, for weeks, then months, your tribe will find you. Works brilliantly.
Ryan, your comment is SO GOOD it deserves to be its own post on social media! I shared it on Twitter and in my reels 😁
Especially this part: “High level pros like these simply do not panic and bail because each trusts themselves and the social media process enough to keep at it for years.”
You cut right through the BS here: “Don’t panic, don’t bail”. This is going to be a mantra I will repeat to other people in the future, with full credit to you!
Thank you for your valuable comment.
Thanks so much Morris. Deeply appreciate your shares my friend.
I appreciate your support of a small blogger like me!! I always learn so much from you.
Hi Morris, Engaging with your audience is key to keeping your audience, not only that but others will pick up on it and follow and engage. It’s a way to build up your presence organically. Of course, if you can answer questions and help them along the way, they will remain followers for a long time.
You’re so right, Lisa! I’ve learned my lesson comparably late and was banking on my content to do all the talking itself. But the real value really is in the connections that we make.
Hey Morris,
I just found this article and have to say great work, thank you!
It really inspired me especially the first Batching tactic. I heard so many things over the years but you are spot on, this is something what is not talked about enough.
I should really consider doing this in near future. Maybe this will free my mind a bit for the rest of the week 🙂
Oh and documenting is something my mentor spoke about in a very long live event last week haha. Powerful strategy!!!
Apart from that I like how you are also giving these reallife examples. -Tobi
Hey Tobi,
Thanks for your kind words! I’m glad you found the article inspiring. Batching is a powerful strategy. Give it a try, it really makes the rest of the week easier.
I think you’re already an expert at “documenting” content. Your entire welcome series is your epic blogger superhero journey, I love it!
Thanks for stopping by the blog 🙂
– Morris
Hey Morris,
Absolutely, will do this soon!! (I guess and hope – have lots of things in mind..🤣)
Yes thanks you’re right, I kinda did that from the beginning even though it wasn’t certainly completely perfect, but hey thats part of the learning process isn’t it 🙂
I’ll probably visit your blog more often in future,