The following are the things most of us experience as consumers, while we’re constantly being pitched to and sold to:
- Sleazy sales tactics
- False promises
- Intrusive marketing
The problem though is that to start a business, we need marketing to get clients and make money. So marketing becomes a necessary evil that we really wish we didn’t have to do.
If you hate marketing, then you’re not gonna do a good job at it – if you even do it at all. But at the same time, you have a passion for your business and you really want to make money.
Living in this dilemma is horrible and stressful.
I’m not trying to convince you to love marketing. No.
This blog is about how to get clients without being sleazy and intrusive. In a sense, it’s almost the opposite of the marketing we see every day.
And so I want to introduce you to a concept that is radically different from what you see most marketers do. And that is: Doing things for free.
Doing Things For Free

Of course, there are major objections to this idea. And I’m going to go over the 3 biggest objections and I’ll give you a few examples in a bit.
But first, let me tell you how this worked for me.
- The reason I was able to become a business coach full-time within a few months, was because I first helped a lot of people for free.
- The reason I was able to get 300 email contacts from Twitter in less than a month, is because I gave my best marketing strategies away for free.
If you are a coach or consultant, I can almost guarantee you that you will have a full-time business after helping 100 people – no strings attached.
The thing is, most people are not willing to do that. But guess what, most people fail in their businesses.
Helping people get results, without asking them for anything in return, is the easiest way to get clients and make money without much marketing.
Objection #1: Will Get Taken Advantage Of
The biggest objection here is that we will be taken advantage of.
And I will admit that there is a real chance that this can happen sometimes.
But the result will be the same regardless: You’ll have a successful, thriving business that makes you enough money to achieve your financial goals.
I believe that the small risk of maybe getting taken advantage of by a couple of people is definitely worth achieving that goal.
Objection #2: Nobody Wants Your Free Stuff
The second major objection is that nobody wants my free stuff. I need to convince people to accept my free help.
And here too, I have to agree with you. It’s true that just making things available for free doesn’t always work. There are many free books and guides out there that get zero downloads.
This is an important lesson: Free does not guarantee demand.
Here we need to apply a little bit of marketing knowledge, which is the following: We have to offer something that is in demand.
The way I got my first few clients was by helping people on social media. I reveal this strategy, including the script that I used in messages, in my free guide called: ‘How to Get High-Ticket Clients’. You can download this from my website by clicking this link.
The point is, that it took me a while to find something that was truly in demand.
What you will discover is that going into FB groups and posting that you offer free coaching won’t explode your business. That’s because coaching isn’t in demand.
Yes, the coaching industry is a billion-dollar industry, but that’s only because of the results our coaching delivers.
What you have to do is promise a result that is high in demand: And then tell them it’s free.

Let me give you 2 examples of how you could write a message.
Example 1
“I started cooking new recipes and I lost 10 lbs in the last two months. I’m giving away all my cooking recipes for free. Who wants them?”
Example 2
“My current landing page has a 20% conversion rate. I’m doing a free workshop to show you how to build the exact same landing page for your offer. Who wants to join in?”
The cooking recipes in the first example are a part of diet coaching, but we don’t call it that. The workshop in the second example could be group coaching, but we don’t call it that either.
Now, I don’t recommend doing things that will take you hundreds of hours if you give them away for free.
For example, I also did video editing for clients. But some of these videos can take 10 hours to edit, if not more.
So what I would do is give away small video editing gigs, something that I could do in an hour.
For example,
- Editing a short clip
- Or only using very basic video editing
Which is still desirable to them but also realistic for me to give away.
And guess what?
- Once they saw themselves in my edited videos, they wanted more of that.
- When they saw my videos, they felt good about how they looked and how they presented themselves.
- So some of these people hired me as their video editor.
That’s why this works so well!
You demonstrate a genuine interest in your prospects’ success.
What most sleazy marketers do is they make big promises but won’t lift a finger until you pay them money. It is very hard to trust them and believe what they say.
But then you come along, with a clear understanding of which result they desire, and then you give it to them. No strings attached.
This is one of the most refreshing experiences that any consumer or client can have.
And you’ll be surprised how many will ask if they can continue working with you and how much it would cost.
However, what if they don’t? What if they don’t want to continue working with you?
Then that most likely means that you didn’t do as good of a job as you thought. They won’t tell you directly, but clients always vote with their wallets.
But that’s okay, this is part of the process. So here’s what you do:
- Talk to all the people you’ve already helped.
- Ask them what it is that they really need.
- Find a way to give that result to people.
It really can be that simple, if you follow this process.
Objection #3: Not A Reliable Strategy Because We Can’t Measure It
The third, and final objection to this strategy is this: It’s not a reliable strategy because we can’t measure it.
The thinking goes like this:
“In classic advertising, we know that if we pay $5,000 in ads we make $6,000 in revenue, for example. And we keep $1,000 profit. That’s a reliable strategy because we can measure it.”
But just going out and helping people for free? Sure it might work sometimes, but it’s not reliable and measurable.
Unless you track your freebies to sales ratio, it is true that it’s difficult to measure. And it might feel like some months are good and some months are not so good.
And I do agree that at some point, we want to build a marketing strategy in addition to the freebie strategy.
For this reason, I recommend you to read this No Bullshit Marketing Strategy next.
And there you have it! Have you tried giving away anything for FREE? Or have you helped anyone for FREE? Care to share what happened? Would love to read your stories in the comment below.
And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.
If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.
Thank you and see you on my next blog!