Starting Your Business WITHOUT A Plan (Is It Possible?)

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Today I want to share with you a new lesson that I’ve recently learned, and it’s about how to make a big business dream come true even if you have no idea how to do it.

So many people are stuck trying to find the perfect plan of action (I used to be exactly like that). But here’s a new thought: Start your business without an exact plan!

How To Achieve Your Business Goals?

I’ve learned this from Linden Wolbert, who is an amazing business coach and successful solopreneur:

  • Linden started as a freediver, underwater model, and professional mermaid for events or ads.
  • Later, she designed, manufactured, and sold her monofin and line of diving products with the company Bodyglove.
  • In addition to that, she coaches entrepreneurs and business owners.

I’ve had several calls with Linden and she introduced me to a completely new way of thinking about my business goals.

I’m the kind of person who wants to have things figured out. I want to feel competent.

But the downside of that is that I don’t pursue a dream if I don’t know the path to getting there. If I don’t know which steps to take, then I just put it on the side.

Linden has a perspective that blew me away, a perspective that allows you and me to achieve our goals even if we have no clue what the right steps are.

And with her permission, I can share this lesson with you in this article.

Why Do Some Entrepreneurs Give Up Early?

Alright, let me ask you this: When was the last time you achieved a dream?

This is not a question we get asked often. And for many of us, this is also a question that’s very difficult to answer!

Now let me ask you a different question then: When was the last time you gave up on a dream?

Now this one is easier to answer. And I guess that’s because it’s just part of life that we have to give up on some dreams.

But if you are like me, then you know that there are some dreams that we shouldn’t have given up on. But we still did give them up because we didn’t know what steps to take.

So how did Linden Wolbert do it?

Linden Wolbert’s Business Success Secret

How did a girl in her early twenties quit a high-paying job to become a professional mermaid, and later sell her own line of mermaid-themed diving gear?

Today, we know that Linden’s plan worked out because she was successful…

But if we went back 15 years to the day she quit her job to start her mermaid business, we would have said she was crazy because that was a moment of uncertainty!

But there is one thing that Linden did that guaranteed her success. And it is so simple but very profound.

Here’s what she did:

Linden simply told everyone she interacted with what her dream was. She didn’t let negativity, jealousy, and sabotage hold her back.

And in my first call with her, Linden directly asked me this:

  • What is the vision of my business?
  • And then she asked me: Who are you sharing your vision with?
  • And I answered: No one.

That’s when Linden responded: How can other people support you, hire you, or buy from you if you don’t share your vision with them?

How To Start Your Business Before You Have A Plan?

I have to tell you, it took me a few calls with Linden to really get the lesson. And I’m doing my best to summarize it in this article for you.

But if you want to speak to Linden directly, click this link here to get in touch with her.

Linden wanted me to see how many opportunities are right in front of me, right here in my immediate circle of influence, if only I shared my vision with these people.

When somebody asks you: “How are you? What are you up to these days?”

How many times do you answer with something superficial like: “Oh, I started watching this new TV show on Netflix!”

We’re giving these superficial answers because we don’t want to share something as personal as our big dream.

And we’re not sharing something so personal because we are afraid of any negativity, criticism, or judgment. Or what if they make fun of you?

That’s why we stick to giving superficial answers and we keep our dreams a secret.

But that’s not what Linden did. She was courageous enough to share her business dream and not let negativity and judgmental comments hold her back.

Because when she started out, she had no clue yet how to create her monofins and other diving products.

But she was already a very skilled diver. And so her first income came from doing various gigs where they needed a good swimmer, for example like recording an underwater documentary or shooting an ad.

When doing these gigs, she would meet various people from different industries and with different backgrounds.

It was in these conversations, where Linden would always share her dream and her vision for her business (when the moment was right and when it would fit into the conversation).

Linden herself told me that she was nervous doing this!

It took courage because it made her feel vulnerable. And hearing dismissive comments or even feeling jealousy wasn’t easy to deal with either.

But the opportunities that came her way far outweighed the drawbacks. Linden told me that she wouldn’t have come this far if she didn’t share her vision for her business with others.

How To Get Clients Without Marketing Or Sales?

So I wanted to be a good student and I did my best to follow Linden’s example.

I’m only just learning this and implementing it, but still, two potential clients came to me as a direct result of me sharing the vision for my new coaching business.

I didn’t do any marketing or salesy presentations, all I did was share the vision for my coaching business when people asked about me (instead of giving the same old superficial answer).

And if you want to try this out too, here are the exact steps:

  1. Preparation: Have a short, concise description of your dream memorized. This is important so you can describe your dream in one or two sentences, without rambling to the other person.
  2. Wait for people to ask you about you, your life, your career, or your hobbies. Don’t push your dream onto other people, always wait for them to show genuine interest in you.
  3. When someone asks about you: Instead of giving a superficial answer, share your vision as you’ve prepared it and tell them this is what you’re working on now.
  4. And remember: Don’t let any negativity or judgmental comments hold you back. If someone doesn’t resonate with your plans or criticizes you heavily, that’s totally okay. Just move on with the conversation and change the topic. But don’t let this experience stop you from sharing your dream with other people.

So, let’s practice this right now. Let me know in the comments below what your business dream is! I can’t wait to read it.

And if you want to hear about my dream of becoming a business coach, then you have to read this article here where I share the whole story.

And don’t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel, @creategrowprofit.

If you are a coach or consultant, and your goal is to get your very first client online, then I have a simple strategy for you that’s very beginner friendly, you can download this strategy for FREE from my website at CreateGrowProfit.

Thank you and see you on my next blog!

2 thoughts on “Starting Your Business WITHOUT A Plan (Is It Possible?)”

  1. Morris this post is great because I have winged my life LOL. I plan little. I learn on the fly, implement and intuitively trust my gut to give me daily instructions. Feels scary but it really does work.


    • Ryan, you and Linden have a lot of similarities in that regard! You’re both successful in online business and you both operate from a point of abundance and giving. As I’m analyzing this, I think the big advantage to acting on intuition is this: People like that take action. While others try to figure out the perfect plan, people like you are already making things happen. I’ve certainly been an over-planner in the past and now I’m learning from people like you and Linden how to be more spontaneous and intuitive.


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